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Posts Tagged ‘KnCMiner


KnCMiner continues to get a more and more unhappy customers due to the continuing issues with the Titan Scrypt ASIC miners and the way the company seems to be treating their customers. Lately KNC has announced that they do plan to move from selling mining hardware to end users to making mining hardware for their own data center and to mine crypto currencies themselves. They have stopped accepting new orders from customers a while ago, their announced KNC Cloud mining plans were most likely just a PR move as the company most likely does not want to sell cloud mining hashrate to customers, though they apparently do still have the offer “available” for on their website.

Back to the company’s Titan Scrypt ASIC miners, it seems that the shipping of units is still going very slow and we are already past the promised Q3 delivery for Batch 1 units. The people that were lucky enough to get their units already report a lot of issues and problems, both with the software and the hardware and apparently KNC is slow to respond to issues and it still refuses to offer refunds. Today KnCMiner has released a new firmware for the Titan miners that supposedly should improve stability and hashrate, and apparently it does help to increase hashrate. The latest update comes with the news that they “expect to deliver the remainder of batch 1 of the most efficient hardware miner on the market over the next three weeks to our customers”. Will this mean less unhappy customers, probably no, as there are people that are still expecting KNC to deliver on their promises made even before the drama with the Titan evens tarted.


The Law Office of Charlotte C. Lin has announced that it is investigating KNCMiner for possible breach of implied warranty of fitness, misrepresentation, and other violations of law by failing to provide a functional or usable product, false advertising; failing to deliver product within adequate time frame, and failing to provide refund upon demand. The Law Office of Charlotte C. Lin is inviting everyone who is not satisfied with his Titan order from KNC to contact them in order to get more details on what possible legal actions can be taken against the company.

Under the terms of the advertised Titan, it should “Yield a minimum of 300 MH/s” and “purchasers shall also receive the Titan during Q3 of 2014” both of which have certainly been up for debate in the mining community at large. The investigation relates to whether the Titan delivered hashing power below advertised, whether the Titans were delivered late, whether such violations breached its Implied Warranty of Fitness and whether KNCMiner made misrepresentations.

For more information about the possible class action lawsuit against KnCMiner…


Now, if you are thinking that the situation with Alpha Technology and their Viper Scrypt ASCI miners still not shipping, what should you think about the situation MAT (Mining Asics Technologies). According to the new information released by the company they have received their first ASIC chips at the beginning of August and by the end of the month and early September they were already releasing videos of some of their products hashing. On the company’s website we’ve seen an estimated shipping date announced as 15.09.2014 for the smaller Scrypt ASIC miners and “estimated shipments Q3 of Year 2014” for the first batch of devices from the more powerful units.

On 19.09.2014 MAT has released a news update stating that the after some delays the “shipping for our first customers will start on 26.09.2014”. On 08.10.2014 there was another news update saying that the company has already started shipping the previous week, however they have apparently found a software bug that they need to fix and are stopping the shipments meanwhile with a promise to maybe start shipping again next week. Now, why would they need to stop shipping if it is a software bug, it has been a while since all of the more serious ASIC crypto miners can be software (firmware) updated by the user. Furthermore how and why they find a software bug after a bit over a month of testing that they should have already been done since they got their first miners working. It all seems like they are buying some time as nobody has yet reported of receiving a miner from them, and if somebody did get a unit if it had a serious problem that needed manual intervention from MAT that would mean the device need to be sent back to them for a fix.

As you would expect from an ASIC manufacturer the communication with customers is lacking, we are used to seeing this, even though this is clearly not the right way to go and treat your customers that have paid you thousands up front. No wonder that people are not happy, but then again we are seeing a similar situation with other companies such as Alpha Technologies or even KnCMiner, not to mention BFL. Clearly if companies in this business want to keep their customers happy and returning for more they need to be more open and responsive to customer questions, not to mention that they should not give promises that they might not be able to keep. Keeping your customers in the dark, not keeping promises and delaying your hardware without a detailed and on time explanation is clearly not the right way to do business in the crypto currency world.
