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Posts Tagged ‘Litecoin (LTC)


After a pretty long period of keeping low prices Bitcoin and Litecoin may have started to finally recover to a higher levels, currently the BTC exchange rate is back to over $300 USD and LTC is above $2 USD. Definitely good news for people with small mining operations or using cloud mining services that were worried about their investments that were at risk with the possibility of contracts getting terminated. A quick look at CEX.IO however shows that cloud mining there is still unprofitable even at the current prices with the automatic settings to turn on cloud mining when it is again profitable. At the same time however we are still seeing a trend for the network difficulty of Bitcoin to go down and for Litecoin to keep at pretty much the same level after getting down significantly lately. With the current prices we are expecting to see some mining operations getting back online after being stopped due to the low exchange rate, especially mining operations that are working on the mine and sell immediately model. We’ll have to wait and see how things will go from here on…


The cloud mining service Genesis Mining has added options for its users to mine alternative SHA-256 based crypto coins besides Bitcoin with the purchased hashrate. This is probably the first and only one to offer such service for cloud mining contracts for SHA-256 hashrate, just like they also did with the Scrypt cloud mining hashrate and the option for mining alternative coins and not only LTC. The new SHA-256 coin that you can choose to is currently Unobtanium (UNO), or you can choose to have your most profitable coins mined and automatically exchanged for BitcoinDark (BTCD), DarkCoin (DRK) or Litecoin (LTC).

Genesis Mining has been out of stock for their Scrypt cloud mining hashrate for a while, so currently you can only purchase SHA-256 cloud hashrate and the ability to mine only UNO or BTCD or to share your hashrate between these is interesting, and hopefully we are going to see some other coins available soon. Regarding Scrypt hashrate, since the hardware supplier for the hashrate was ZeusMiner and with regards to the company recently cancelling their plans for next generation chips probably the service will have to find another hardware supplier before offering more hashrate to customers. So for the moment Genesis Mining is only offering SHA-256 cloud mining hashrate that is no longer limited for mining Bitcoins and there should be no problems with availability since the supplier for the hardware here is Spondoolies Tech.

For more information about the currently available services from Genesis Mining…


There have been talks about possible merge mining support for Dogecoin along with Litecoin or either the DOGE forking from Scrypt to another GPU-only algorithm, so that it will not be mineable with Scrypt ASICs. It seems however that the final decision by the DOGE devs is to go the merged mining way as they have announced that they will enable the Dogecoin blockchain to accept auxiliary proof-of-work from other Scrypt chains. There is already a new branch available in the DOGE Github repository called 1.8-dev which has the AuxPoW switch on the testnet set, so that pool operators can experiment with merged mining before the actual fork to enable it on the main chain. There is no exact date on the update happening announced yet, but it should be sometime soon if there are no serious problems and if pools start adding merged mining support for LTC and DOGE. Do note that you will not be forced to use a pool with merged mining support, you would still be able to mine separately both Litecoin and Dogecoin if you wish to, however why not mine both together when there should be no drawbacks in that and only positives. This way fan of DOGE could merge mine and use the mined LTC to buy more Dogecoin for example, however the miners interested in LTC can also dump the mined DOGE for more LTC. How this will affect the DOGE is still uncertain, however many believe that this is the way to actually save Dogecoin from slowly dying.

Read the official announcement from the Dogecoin devs about the upcoming AuxPoW support…
