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New sgminer Fork for X13 Mining with Higher Performance

29 May


The fork of sph-sgminer from lasybear released a few days ago has received an update with support for mining X13 crypto coins such as MaruCoin. The update for X13 support follows the idea of the previous optimization of the kernel for X11 and also brings improved performance. Do note that there is no need to download this update if you are mining X11 as it will not bring further performance increase to X11 mining, the optimizations in this build are only for X13 coins.

With the official sph-sgminer we were getting around 1.5 MHS mining MaruCoin (X13 coin) and with the windows binary we have compiled (source here) we are able to get up to about 2.65 MHS on a Radeon R9 280X GPU as you can see on the screenshot. Just edit the included config file that is already setup for X13 mining and you are ready to mine X13 coins with a nice performance boost. Do note that currently X13 is GPU mineable only with AMD graphic processors, there is still no miner available for use on Nvidia GPUs.

The Windows binary has been updated to the latest source that includes a fix for for older AMD Radeon HD 5xxx/6xxx series cards. For these cards you need to use “kernel” : “x13modold” in config file or -k x13modold from the command line. For newer cards such as Radeon HD 7xxx or the R7/R9 series you need to use the standard x13mod kernel.

To download the new sph-sgminer_x13mod with performance increase for X13 crypto mining…

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9 Responses to New sgminer Fork for X13 Mining with Higher Performance


May 29th, 2014 at 07:13

I get a blank screen when trying to run this. Any ideas?


May 29th, 2014 at 08:56

Coffee, try running it with the flag –no-restart


May 29th, 2014 at 15:29

Thanks Phate, that’s got it working. Any ideas on a config for an R9 290? It seems like I’m a little slower than I should be. Thanks.


May 29th, 2014 at 15:51

Weird… no increase on 5850
290 gets ~ 2.6-2.65


May 29th, 2014 at 16:08

just doubled my 7950s from 1.2 to 2.25 each. Thanks!


May 29th, 2014 at 16:35

Correction… it doesn’t work at all on 5850 and 6970 :/
No accepted shares and HW increasing – no overclock, using same settings as previous x13mod code which was good for 2.0Mh on 290


June 3rd, 2014 at 23:59

im using r9290x with just the given conf file… get hw errors… switch to intensity 11… still hw errors… back on x11 mining :(


June 5th, 2014 at 14:55

my 290x config (batch file) (for 2x290x)

sgminer -k x13mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u ##### -p##### -d 0,1 –thread-concurrency 32760 -I 19,20 -w 128 –gpu-engine 1140,1114 –gpu-memclock 1500,1500 -o stratum+tcp:// -u ##### -p ##### –no-restart

oh, i get 3.475 and 3.456 mh with that config

make sure to create batch file and modify engine and memclock to suit your cards. and delete the .conf file!


June 6th, 2014 at 07:36

Crashes with x13modold with an HD6950. Works with x13mod but only around 1.3-1.4MHs, which is what I got on the offical sph-sgminer in x11 until I got the performance boosting version. Any thoughts?

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