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ZeusHash Scrypt Cloud Mining Situation Still Not Good

27 Dec


We have apparently reached the 10 consecutive day moment with the mined Litecoins being lower than what the maintenance fee for the Scrypt hashrate at the ZeusHash cloud mining service. The 10 day period has been extended with extra 5 days to see if the negative trend will chance, though this currently seems not very likely to happen with the exchange rate of LTC still going down even though the network difficulty is fluctuating. After the extra 5 days end unless we see some improvement and the Scrypt cloud hashrate starts making profit again the mining hashrate will be taken offline, but the MHS that have been purchased will remain in the user’s accounts and the mining might be resumed again next year if SCrypt cloud mining becomes profitable again. Below is the quote of the announcement that ZeusHash has sent to the users of the service regarding the situation:

Dear miners, we are sorry to inform you the daily payouts of your MHS contracts have been lower than maintenance fees for 10 consecutive days. As we negotiated with our partners, we will wait for another 5 days to see if there’s any change in the current situation. If it continues for another 5 days, we have to shut down all the miners. But we won’t cancel your accounts and your MHS will be freezed there. We will try to introduce more advanced miners and MHS contracts in the coming New Year for more of your profits.

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