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Getting The Optimum Mining Performance on AMD GPUs

12 Mar


If you are using AMD Radeon-based video cards for mining crypto currencies you have probably noticed that some algorithms have issues with various video driver versions or the performance you get may differ between older and newer version. Since the AMD miners use OpenCL there is an easy solution that can help you deal with driver version issues and to get the optimum hashrate for a specific algorithm. There is not need to reinstall the complete video driver, you can just copy the OpenCL DLLs from the respective driver version inside the same folder where the software miner is (cgminer or sgminer) and when you run the miner it will load the different OpenCL version, regardless of what video driver you have installed. Do note that you need to delete the compiled kernel BIN file for the respective algorithm or algorithms when replacing the OpenCL DDL files in order to get the kernel recompiled with the different version. You can download the different AMD Radeon drivers OpenCL version 13.12, 14.4, 14.6 RC2, 14.8, 14.9 and 14.12 in a single package from the link below and try out what performance you will get by replacing the DLL files inside the miner software’s folder.

To download and try AMD OpenCL DLL files from different drivers for Windows OS…

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3 Responses to Getting The Optimum Mining Performance on AMD GPUs


March 16th, 2015 at 10:42

This is great, Thanks!

William Tomlinson

March 17th, 2015 at 05:59

Wow, it works beautifully on the first attempt! I am mining scrypt on my Win 8.1-64 machine with the newest AMD 14.12 drivers, which before today was impossible. I get the full 12.4 Mhash (AMD 295×2) on x11 and have the ability to mine scrypt or any other algo on the same machine. it was not possible to mine scrypt with a AMD 295×2 before today because the older 13.12 drivers that support scrypt dont support the 295×2 card (I’m sure it could be done but it wasnt as straight forward and simple as this).


March 19th, 2015 at 10:22

can i mine btc with it?

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