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Posts Tagged ‘GTX 1080

There seems to be a new tool from OhGodACompany called OhGodAnETHlargementPill presented in a bit funny and confusing way that does wonders for Nvidia-based GPUs with GDDR5X memory like GTX 1080 and GTX 1080 Ti for Ethash-based crypto coins. The “magic” tool is available for both Linux and Windows and all you need to do to increase your Ethereum (ETH) hashrate or that of another Ethash-based crypto coin up to about 50 MHS on a single GTX 1080 Ti (up to about 40 MHs on GTX 1080) is to have it running along with your miner. We have done a quick test with Claymore’s Dual ETH miner and got 46 MHS with power saving clocks on a mining rig with 6x GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards. So if you have Nvidia GPU mining rigs with GDDR5X memory (GTX 1080 or GTX 1080 Ti for now) you might wnat to give this tool a go and report your results in the comments below. And yes, the hashrate is higher not only locally reported, but poolside as well, so it is really working in boosting actual performance for Ethash mining. We are also seeing a decent improvement with Cryptonight as a memory intensive algorithm (more than 10%), so you might want to try with other algos as well and see if there will be extra performance gained fro this tweak.

To try out the new OhGodAnETHlargementPill tool that boosts Ethereum hashrate on Nvidia GDDR5X GPUs…


Here is an updated ccMiner 1.7.6-r10 Widows binary of the Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin fork (source) with optimized Lyra2RE and Lyra2REv2 performance. The latest r10 update fixes the hashrate issues that were present with other versions of ccMiner on the latest Nvidia Pascal GPUs such as GTX 1080 and GTX 1070. You can see a brief test of the performance of the new 32-bit Windows binary of the miner compiled with VS2013 and CUDA 8.0 below.

ccMiner 1.7.6-r10 Neoscrypt performance:
– GTX 1080 – 985 KHS
– GTX 1070 – 889 KHS
– GTX 980 Ti – 840 KHS

Just as a reference the latest ccMiner fork by SP has managed to provide just about 365 KHS on GTX 1080 and 668 KHS on GTX 1070, so now you can fully utilize the performance of the new Nvidia Pascal GPUs for mining NeoScrypt-based crypto coins. Do note that the results quoted above are with

To download the latest ccMiner 1.7.6-r10 with fixed Neoscrypt on Pascal for Windows OS…

Time to overclock monitor or even some overclocking of the GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition and running the tests again to see what hashrate increase can we expect from the GPU with the increased operating frequencies. The Founders Edition cards are somewhat limited in the max power you can get by the presence of only one 8-pin PCI-E power, default TDP limit of 180W and a Power Limiter that allows for just 20% increase over the default TDP (216W max TDP). We already know that the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 GPUs are handling quite well overclocking and you can squeeze a lot more from them if you are not limited and don’t care than much about the power usage. Unfortunately for some more serious overclocking you will have to wait for the GTX 1080 cards that come with custom cooling solutions form Nvidia’s partners that will allow for more serious overclocking. Meanwhile we are pushing the GTX 1080 Founders Edition to what it can do without touching the core voltage and doing some benchmarks with: Power Limit + 20%, Core Clock + 240 MHs, Memory Clock + 125 MHs, the max settings that are running stable for 24/7 mining on our test card and the results are below.

As you can see from the table of hashrate results with the stock settings and the overclocked GTX 1080 the average performance increase we are getting is about 12%. A result that is not bad, but a more serious overclock can help us get even more hashrate from the GPU, unfortunately making it less attractive in terms of hashrate per watt. The problem with low performance for Neoscrypt and not that great for Lyra2RE still remain and unlike with Ethereum where we see some, though not enough, performance boost testing under Windows 10, with these two algorithms Windows 10 does not help, so they really need GPU specific optimizations to max out performance unlike the other algos that already scale pretty well on the GTX 1080. Other algorithms also do not show any significant difference in results between Windows 7 and Windows 10, so no need to upgrade or downgrade your OS. Of course for Ethereum mining on GTX 1080 or GTX 1070 you would still need to go for Linux for the best possible performance as still Windows hashrate is not satisfactory at all.
