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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

The latest update of the AMD GPU miner lolMiner 0.8 brings support for the Cuckatoo 31 algorithm used by Grin, for GPUs with either 4GB and 8GB video memory (lower memory mens less performance) for Windows and Linux. To mine with the new algorithm you need to use the parameter --coin GRIN-AT31, NiceHash does not currently seem to be supported for C31 though. It is interesting to note that the Grin cycle finding is completely done on the GPU, so the miner has almost zero CPU load (on AMD, Nvidia has some due to OpenCL back end). Aside from Cuckatoo 31 support the new version also has some Stratum bug fixes (NiceHash) for Equihash 144/5, 192/7 and 96/5, improved general stability of the miner as well as added distinct 1GB, 3GB and 4GB as well as 6GB and 8GB kernel for mining MNX for Windows (the Linux version that already implemented had this in 0.7.1).

We remind you that lolMiner is a closed source OpenCL GPU miner available for Windows and Linux as pre-compiled binaries only and that there is a developer fee for using the software (1% for all supported algorithms). It might work on Nvidia with OpenCL, however stability and performance might not be optimal, so it is best for use with AMD GPUs.

To download and try the latest lolMiner 0.8 OpenCL miner for Windows or Linux…

The very useful AMD Memory Tweak Tool that was initially only available for Linux is now also available as a beta for Windows users as well. With the help of the free and open source software from Evilop you can read and modify memory timings “on the fly” for compatible AMD GPUs that do come with GDDR5 or HBM2 memory (HBM was also supported initially, but is temporary disabled as it apparently need some fixing). Before starting to do anything with the tool you should check the Readme and run AMD Memory Tweak with the option --current in order to see what GPUs it detects and what memory settings are currently active. It might also help to see what other users have found out as good working configurations for their hardware and have reported on Bitcointalk based on their experiments with the memory tool.

To check out the AMD Memory Tweak tool for real time memory modifications on AMD GPUs…

The latest Bminer 15.5.0 comes with another interesting dual-mining feature that has attracted our attention, namely dual-mining Ethereum (ETH) and VeriBlock (VBK), meaning that you can mine any Ethash coin together with the vBlake2 algorithm used by VBK. The new version also comes with improved performance of the Cuckatoo31 algorithm and added parameter -version to output the current miner version and exit.

What we were most interested in the new version was the support for VBK (no standalone support for the algorithm yet), so only dual mining Ethash and VBK for now. We wanted to see what performance we can expect in this dual mode from VBK as we already know what to expect regarding Ethash hashrate. Unfortunately it seems that VBK support really does need some more work as the miner is somewhat unstable when dual mining and crashes from time to time and results are also erratic. With OhGodAnETHlargementPill running we were not getting any accepted shares for VBK, only stales, and with the Pill software not running it seems that VBlake2 shares are properly submitted. It is hard to understand however what is the exact hashrate for each of the two algorithms when dual mining, so more work is required on that new feature apparently.

We remind you that that Bminer is a closed source Nvidia GPU miner available for Linux and Windows in the form of pre-compiled binaries and that there is a 2% development fee for Grin, Beam, Bytom (BTM), Equihash and Zhash coins, 0.65% for Ethash and 1.3% for dual mining Ethash and Blake.

To download and try the latest release of the Bminer 15.5.0 Nvidia GPU miner…
