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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

One more quick update to version 0.6.6 for the T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner (development has been very active lately it seems) that brings extra performance for a recently introduced algorithm – BCD (Bitcoin Diamond), along with some small improvements in terms of functionality of the software. The new T-Rex 0.6.6 should bring a speed improvement of about 5% in the BCD algorithm over the recently released version T-Rex 0.6.5. Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

A few days ago the Bitcoin Interest (BCI) fork of Bitcoin has successfully switched to the ProgPoW algorithm, becoming the first crypto coin to actually utilize this new algorithm. ProgPoW is a proof-of-work algorithm designed to close the efficiency gap available to specialized ASICs. It utilizes almost all parts of commodity hardware (GPUs), and comes pre-tuned for the most common GPU hardware utilized in the Ethereum network. The design goal of ProgPoW is to have the algorithm’s requirements match what is available on commodity GPUs, so if the algorithm were to be implemented on a custom ASIC hardware there should be little opportunity for efficiency gains compared to a commodity GPU. This all means that in theory the ProgPoW algorithm will not see ASIC mining hardware, due to no opportunity to get much faster speeds compared to what a GPU is capable of delivering. This essentially means that ProgPoW should in theory be a really ASIC-resistant proof of work algorithm…

If you are interested in more details you can check the official BCI website, and miners would most likely be interested in the mining software, pools and a Bitcoin Interest mining calculator in order to see what is the current mining profitability of your GPU rigs. Here you can also find a BCI Block Explorer to see how are things progressing with the Bitcoin Interest blockchain. You might also be interested in the Bitcoin Interest GitHub repository for the official wallets, miners and so on.

BCI ProgPoW Miners:
Nvdia ProgPoW miner for Windows
AMD ProgPoW miner for Windows
ProgPoW miners for Linux

BCI Mining Pools:

BCI Exchanges:

Another quick update for the z-enemy 1.20 Nvidia GPU miner that adds more performance improvements of about 5-10% for various algorithms that the software supports. The new version also brings support for a new algorithm and more specifically BCD used by Bitcoin Diamond that has been generating a lot of attention lately, so you might want to check it out. Other popular miners are also introducing support for BCD, so there is demand and a good profit to be made apparently, and the z-enemy apparently is 20-30% faster than than the previously available solutions.

The latest z-enemy version 1.20 is available for CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions as well as CUDA 9.0, CUDA 9.1 an CUDA 9.2 binaries for Linux (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu), the 32-bit version does seem to be faster in some of the algorithms. Do note that for maximum performance it is recommended to have the latest drivers installed (ver. 398+). We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 1.20 Windows CUDA 9.1 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.20 Windows CUDA 9.1 64-bit
Download z-enemy 1.20 Windows CUDA 9.2 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.20 Windows CUDA 9.2 64-bit

Linux Download (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu):
Download z-enemy 1.20 Linux CUDA 9.0
Download z-enemy 1.20 Linux CUDA 9.1
Download z-enemy 1.20 Linux CUDA 9.2
