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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

WildRig is a relatively new closed source miner for both AMD OpenCL and Nvidia CUDA GPU miners for the Wild Keccak algorithm used by crypto coins such as Boolberry (BBR) or PURK. It seems to be performing better on Nvidia hardware compared to ccMiner’s performance for Wild Keccak, though on AMD it may not be faster than other alternative miners available. Do note that since this is a closed source miner it also comes with a 2% developer fee built-in, so that fact can make all the difference depending on your hardware if it is worth using the miner or not. Since it is a specific miner for a specific algorithm it offers some extra features and improvements that may make it more problem-free or useful for mining Wild Keccak, though there are not much coins out there that actually rely on this algorithm unfortunately. There are binaries available for Windows, Linux and Hive OS.

To download and try the latest WildRig 0.10.3 beta Wild Keccak miner…

The JSEcoin project has just released their official mobile application on the Google Play Store and you can download it and give it a go. The JSEcoin App essentially is a mobile wallet and a mobile mining application that allows you to operate with your coins and mine new ones directly from your Android-based smartphone. If you do try the mining feature on your smartphone feel free to report what hashrate you are getting and on what device. Do not worry that mining JSE coin will keep your mobile device maxed out at 100% all the time, the algorithm is not that demanding and you also have control over how hard you want it to mine…

To download and try the official JSEcoin Android wallet and mining application…

There is a new zealot/enemy-1.16 (z-enemy) miner update from Dk and Enemy that adds additional performance improvements to a number of the supported algorithms by the software. There are extra 7-10% performance improvement to the newly added HEX mining algorithm recently introduced by the XDNA project as well as 5-7% increase in hashrate for the X16R and X16S mining algorithms. The X17, X11, Sonoa, Renesis and Aergo crypto algorithms have also received a smaller, but still a few percent improvement in the latest release. As far as the improved performance in the algorithm used by Renessis (RESS), it still needs a bit of catching up to what the latest T-Rex 0.5.7 miner provides in terms of performance.

As an experimental feature the intensity limit has been increased to 25 and most supported algorithms should be capable of handling it to help you in possibly increase the performance a bit more… previously only available for the HEX algorithm. The latest version is available for CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions as well as CUDA 9.0, CUDA 9.1 an CUDA 9.2 binaries for Linux (Ubuntu and Hive OS). Do note that for maximum performance it is recommended to have the latest drivers installed (ver. 398+). We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 1.16 Windows CUDA 9.1 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.16 Windows CUDA 9.1 64-bit
Download z-enemy 1.16 Windows CUDA 9.2 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.16 Windows CUDA 9.2 64-bit

Linux Download (HiveOS & Ubuntu):
Download z-enemy 1.16 Linux CUDA 9.0
Download z-enemy 1.16 Linux CUDA 9.1
Download z-enemy 1.16 Linux CUDA 9.2
