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The last year or so was tough for all miners, including companies that were offering cloud mining hashrate such as Genesis Mining and their customers as well. It seems however things are getting back on track for mining as there are new offers for DASH (X11) cloud mining coming from them at prices that actually seem reasonable and even profitable with the current far from great market conditions. The cloud mining contracts are with 2 years term and $0.00001 USD per MH/s per day maintenance fee, furthermore after running the numbers through a mining calculator you can earn back what you have invested in about a year (taking into account the current mining difficulty and price of DASH). You can also use our special discount code CryptoMiningBlog5 to get some extra discount and get even better price should you decide to give their services a try.

What we would like to see however in such an offer are more options to mine X11 crypto coins with the hashrate you can purchase as currently it is only usable for DASH mining directly and you can switch to a number of other cryptos that aren’t X11. This means that you can mine DASH and then it is being automatically sold for BTC, LTC, DOGE, XMR, ZEC or BTG and you get paid the amount if you do not want to get directly DASH coins. With a booming mining market this might be fine, but in conditions like at the moment having more flexibility is what miners are looking for and companies offering cloud mining and looking for customers should be able to offer more flexibility to their users in order to make their offers more attractive.

Fore more details about the current DASH (X11) Cloud mining offers from Genesis Mining…

Innosilicon G32 Grin ASIC Miner is what seems to be the world’s first ASIC miner that is intended to support GRIN’s Cuckatoo31/32 algorithms. The device is apparently still in development with even the exact specifications not yet announced,though that does not stop the company to already take pre-orders for the first two batches (available only for pre-orders) with $2000 USD deposit (refundable within 2 weeks of final spec announcement) for each miner. Innosilicon will announce the preliminary specifications of the miner should be announced before mid-April, though the device should be with sub 500W of power usage and still unknown hashrate.

It is interesting to note that work on GRIN ASIC miners has already been started with the launch of he crypto currency as it is really still very young one and we are highly likely going to see ASIC mining hardware before the end of the year. Meanwhile however GRIN should work more on their user friendliness as one of the important things seen as a setback for the project at the moment is the lack of a proper wallet for Windows users as well as the not so easy transfer of coins between pools, exchanges and wallets.

For more details, though not that many yet, about the Innosilicon G32 GRIN ASIC miner…

There is a new interesting tool released by Eliovp for modifying the video memory timings of AMD GPUs on the fly, so no need to modify and reflash the GPU BIOS anymore to do so. The not so good news for some users is that the tool is currently available for Linux only, but still you can test under Linux and make permanent changes via BIOS if needed after that for mining under Windows. The AMD Memory Tweak tool supports GDDR5 an HBM/HBM2 memory AMD GPUs and should be able to help increase hashrate in memory intensive algorithms such as Ethash for example. The AMD Memory Tweak tool is similar to the ETHlargementPill for Nvidia GDDR5X-based GPUs as an idea and functionality. The software is available as open source and is completely free to use, however you are welcome to send the author a tip if you find it useful.

To check out the AMD Memory Tweak tool for real time memory modifications on AMD GPUs…
