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With Monero (XMR) forking in a day to te new CNv4 (CryptoNight R) algorithm there are more GPU miners getting ready and supporting the new algorithm and the latest XMR-Stak is no exception. It might not be the first to support CryptoNight R as SRBMiner has been available for a while for AMD with CNv4 support. XMR-Stak 2.10.0 however does offer support not only for AMD GPUs, but also for Nvidia and even CPU miners, so it is your universal CryptoNight R miner. Performance wise in our initial tests XMR-Stak is just slightly faster in terms of hashrate compared to the latest SRBMiner 1.8.0, but the advantage is neglectable and the difference with the default developer fee eats away the additional hashrate you get.

Of course it also supports number of other CryptoNight variants including the new cryptonight_v8_reversewaltz used by Graft with their recent fork and pretty much any other more popular CN variant out there as well. Do note however that the official binary release comes with a 2% development fee, you can compile the miner yourself from source (it is open source) with different or even no developer fee however should you decide to.

To download the latest XMR-Stak 2.10.0 with CryptoNight R support for CPU, AMD and Nvidia…

The newest GMiner 1.35 miner comes with improved performance for Grin29 and Swap on Nvidia cards, additional support for mining on AMD video cards for Grin29, Swap and Aeternity (adding to the already available support for BEAM), improved pool side hashrate for Swap and various bug fixes. The performance for GRIN’s Cuckaroo29 and SWAP’s Cuckaroo29s algorithm is currently probably the fastest compared to other available miners (tested on Windows 10 with GTX 1080 Ti). The additional algorithms getting AMD GPU support is nice, though not that useful as these mining rigs are not performing that good with the specific algorithms and the expected profit is not attractive at all at this point. Still it is good to have more alternatives for miners for different algorithms, so it will be good to see GMiner getting support for additional algorithms on AMD as well.

The GMiner Nvidia CUDA miner requires an Nvidia GPU with CUDA compute capability 5.0 or later as well as CUDA 9.0 driver support. Do note that GMiner is a closed source miner for Nvidia GPUs with binaries available for both Windows and Linux, also there is a 2% developer fee built-in the software.

To download and try the latest release of the Gminer v1.35 CUDA Equihash miner…

Bitmain has made available a new 96KHS ASIC miner for Bytom (BTM) called Antminer B7 as a successor of their Antminer B3 ASIC from about a year ago that was offering just 780 H/s mining hashrate with 360 Watts of power usage. After the release of the B3 ASIC last year the development of a much faster GPU miner for Bytom’s Tensority algorithm began and currently most recent GPUs are delivering quite good hashrates for BTM mining. The new Bitmain Antminer B7 ASIC is going to put out a more serious competition however for anyone interested in minig BTM.

The new Bitmain Antminer B7 ASIC is currently only available on the Chinese website of Bitmain and promises 96 KHS hashrate with just 528 Watts of power usage, so tough competition for GPUs in term of hashrate and power usage. The price of the new Antminer B7 ASIC miner is currently set at 9900 Chinese Yuan or a little less than $1500 USD, but ordering the device to Europe or US can easily bump the price to over 2K. When you look at the current low profit numbers however you may very quickly decide not to invest in these new ASIC miners however…

The most recent version of the fastest NBMiner 21.0 GPU miner for Bytom (BTM) is capable of delivering about 3.4 KHS for a single GTX 1070 Ti, 5 KHS for a single GTX 1080 Ti and 11.5 KHS for GTX 2080 GPUs according to the official information from the developer. This means that a 8x GTX 2080 GPUs mining rig would be needed in order to deliver hashrate similar to that of the Antminer B7, but it will end up significantly pricier and with higher power usage.

You can visit the official Chinese website of Bitmain for more details on the new B7 ASIC miner…
