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The dstm’s ZCash Nvidia miner has been available for a while and we’ve been keeping a track, but it was only for Linux operating systems – not anymore. With the latest version 0.5.2 the miner is also released for Windows in a 64-bit binary and not anymore available only for Linux miners. The miner is closed source one and comes with a 2% developer fee included. It support Nvidia-based GPUs with Compute Capability 5.0 or later, meaning it is for Maxwell or the newer Pascal video cards. There is support available for stratum as well as for NiceHash extranonce, so it can be used there as well without problems for selling Equihash hashrate.

The dstm’s ZCash Nvidia Miner is supposed to be slightly faster than the popular and widely used EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner that has not been updated for quite some time, so you might want to give the new miner a try. Our initial tests show a bit better hashrate with the same GPU settings as with the EWBF, though the difference is not huge. Do note that dstm’s miner has its own specifics that you need to get used with such as the use of a separate thread for each GPU and getting 6 separate workers on the pool from one mining rig for example. The interface could also use some improvements and some color coding can further help in readability, but in general it is quite Ok even at the moment. Do note that the 64-bit Windows binary is built with Visual Studio 2015, so if you do not have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 installed you might get an error about a missing DLL.

If you want to check out the dstm’s ZCash Cuda miner available for Linux and Windows (64-bit only)…

It seems that the last day MonaCoin (MONA) has exploded in price and profitability for mining as a result, so there is increased interest from miners. So here is a 32-bit Windows binary (CUDA 8.0) of the latest ccMiner 2.2-based fork from Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin (source) with optimized Lyra2REv2 performance. The code is based around the ccMiner 2.2 release from tpruvot, but offers faster performance for Lyra2REv2 with up to about 10% (depending on the GPU being used) compared to other publicly available forks. The Lyra2REv2 algorithm is performing very well on Nvidia-based mining rigs, so with the current low altcoin mining profitability you might want to give it a try. The profitability of VertCoin (VTC) is lower, but still pretty high compared to some other coins and algorithms at the moment, so it is also an alternative as the profit for MONA can start to drop soon.

To download the latest ccMiner 2.2-mod-r2 fork by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin for Windows OS…

It seems that there is a new wave of HDMI dummy plugs coming from China at very cheap prices (At least if you order directly from there) that are based on the Headless Ghost display emulator. These HDMI display emulator devices just plug inside the main video card of your mining rig and simulate the presence of a display with up to 4K resolution. As a result your mining rig boots normally (if it does not boot without a display connected) and you can use a custom resolution when you are remoting the mining rig and/or not be limited by low resolution. It seems that the HDMI dummy plugs from China are mostly available under a brand called Fueran, though we’ve seen some photos with unbranded adapters as well (including some photoshopped images).

These new HDMI dummy plugs can be an interesting alternative to the commonly used HDMI to VGA adapters that most GPU mining rigs get equipped with, though do note that you do not get the option to connect any kind of display to them. With HDMI to VGA adapters you are able to connect a cheap analogue VGA connector equipped monitor or a KVM device for monitoring the rig directly or even remotely with an IP KVM for example. So the new HDMI display emulators just look cooler and take less space, but are not as functional and do not really come much cheaper anyway, though you can find them more expensive and you can even buy the original Headless Ghost at even higher price.

If you do not need the VGA output that the HDMI to VGA adapters also simulating the presence of a monitor, then these new HDMI dummy plugs might be just fine for you. The new HDMI dummy plugs are available through eBay and Chinese sites such as Aliexpress for a price that can go as low as $3-$4 USD, the prices in Europe or US is usually a few times higher than that. The only drawback when ordering cheap from China is that the wait time for the delivery can be inconveniently higher than ordering locally at a higher price.
