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With the recent peak of the price of Bitcoin altcoins have been going down and people have been looking for alternatives to the most popular and profitable coins to mine. Here is one interesting alternative called BitcoinZ (BTCZ) that is based ont he same mining algorithm used by ZCash (ZEC) – Eqihash for GPU mining, and comes with a large total supply and big block reward. The max supply of the coin is 21 Billion with 12500 coins block reward and blocks every 2.5 minutes, so not like most other ZEC clones that come with small supply and block reward. Some good places to trade the coin include Crex, Stex.

With enough user interest and a decent community forming this could as well turn out to be like the DOGE, even though it is not based around a meme. If you are into coins with large supply and block rewards you might want to dig a bit deeper into BTCZ and see what it is all about, do note however that it is still fairly new project that is just about a month old since launch. Profitability wise it is not that profitable to mine at the moment when compared to other more popular coins, but things could turn out to be more interesting in the future if interest in BitcoinZ continues to rise.

Visit the official announcement thread for BitcoinZ (BTCZ) on Bitcointalk…

The Xevan algorithm used by BitSend (BSD) has finally recieved a GPU miner for Nvidia-based mining rigs with the ccMiner fork by krnlx (source). Unfortunately for the moment the code of the miner only compiled and works under Linux, though hopefully soon things will be ironed out and a Windows version will also be available. For a Xevan AMD GPU miner check this older fork of sgminer available for both Windows and Linux OS with precompiled binaries. The Xevan algorithm is essentially a dual X17 with 128 bit headers, but it wasn’t that easy to implement apparently or there weren’t enough incentive up until now apparently.

The ccMiner fork from krnlx is reported to provide 3.3+ MHS on Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 and around 6 MHS on Nvidia GeForce GTX 10880 Ti GPUs according to the author. Owners of Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 mining rigs are advised to set the intensity manually in order to have the miner work properly with their hardware, GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Ti should work fine with the default intensity of 20. If you are interested in how the Windows version is coming, then you might want to check out the official thread about the miner on Bitcointalk.

Update: Windows binary is now available thanks to Palgin, you can download a 32-bit Windows binary, VS 2013, CUDA 8.0 here.

Check out the announcement thread for the ccMiner fork with Xevan support on Bitcointalk here…

There is apparently another upcoming Bitcoin fork that is named Bitcoin Gold (BTG). This community-activated hard fork of BTC will result in the new asset becoming available for the owners of Bitcoin that hold their Bitcoins on October 25th where the snapshot of the Bitcoin will be taken as a base. So you will get the same amount of Bitcoin Gold (BTG) as you have had in BTC on the day of the Bitcoin blockchain snapshot being taken. The more interesting aspect of this new fork however is that it is not another Bitcoin Cash type of fork that essentially uses the same kind of PoW as Bitcoin and can be mined with ASICs only, instead the BTG fork will use Equihash as a mining algorithm thus making it a GPU mineable coin. Do note that the team has already warned that Bitcoin Gold (BTG) aka Bgold, the upcoming community-activated hard fork of Bitcoin, is not associated with (XBG) BTCGOLD as apparently some people might mistake the two. It is definitely something interesting to keep an eye on, though for the moment there are not that much details available. Some good places to trade the coin include Binance, HitBTC, Gateio, Livecoin, Crex, Stex.

Visit the official website of the Bitcoin Gold (BTG) project here for more details…
