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Jackpotcoin (JPC) is a new crypto coin that uses a new hash algorithm called Jackpot Hashing Algorithm (JHA) and thus requires special miner software in order to be mined. The coin has a CPU miner available, but we are going to be skipping this one as there is also a GPU miner available already. The OpenCL miner for Jackpotcoin is based on the official sph-sgminer, but since the official release is not yet available with JPC support you need to use the fork for Jackpotcoin for now (source code). we have compiled a windows binary from the latest source that you can download below, our test on a single Radeon R9 280X GPU showed a performance of about 2.2-2.3 MHS mining Jackpotcoin, so it seems that Nvidia is currently the better choice for mining JPC on the GPU.

You can download sph-sgminer 4.1.0 with Jackpotcoin GPU support for Windows OS here…


SPH-sgminer is a GPU miner for mining many alternative algorithm crypto coins such as DarkCoin, QubitCoin, MyriadCoin, Quark, Fuguecoin, INKcoin, AnimeCoin, GroestlCoin, Sifcoin, Twecoin and MaruCoin. SPH-sgminer is a fork of the original sgminer, you can find the source code here and we have compiled a windows binary based on the latest source from April 15th. So if you are mining any of the above crypto coins or some of their clones based on the same algorithm you might download and try out the latest SPH-sgminer miner.


We have updated our windows build of the cgminer 3.7.2 with support for Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASICs to properly support the new 80-chip Gridseed G-Blade miners, this release is based on the (girnyau source) with the fix for more than 8 chips (up to 256) from dbartle’s version. Previous releases did not properly reported the local hashrate of the new Gridseed G-Blade miners that consist of two 40-chip PCBs, though they were working just fine with the hardware and poolside everything was Ok. Now if you set the chips value from 5 to 40 in the BAT file for running the cgminer you should be seeing the correct local hashrate for the G-Blade, it should work just fine though we haven’t been able to test it as we do not yet have a G-Blade in our hands. Other than that the updated version is compiled and packaged with the latest OpenSSL libraries with a fix for the the Heartbleed bug. You can download the windows binary below and the source folder contains the files modified from the original source should you want to compile it yourself. Check the Readme file for more information on the list of supported frequencies and how to set individual frequencies per device for overclocking your Gridseed ASIC miners.

You can download the latest cgminer 3.7.2 with Gridseed ASICs support on Windows OS here…
