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NiceHash hasn’t added new algorithms for a while now with ZHash being the last new addition in early December last year, so it is interesting that they have added support for BEAM now. This is both good and bad news for some people as the profit for selling your BEAM (Equihash 150,5) hashrate on NiceHash might bring you nice direct profit in BTC, but for the people mining BEAM directly is is not such good news as the hashrate has increased significantly and thus the difficulty is higher as well and less coins are being mined. Pool owners with BEAM support might be interested in checking out the BEAM NiceHash support specs in order to make sure that their pools will be compatible with hashrate coming from the service.

We have already tried some of the popular mining software with NiceHash and it seems that there are no problems connecting and using Bminer and Gminer on Nvidia GPUs does seem to work without problems (remove the SSL option from both miners), however the latest lolMiner for AMD does not seem to support NiceHash mining at the moment in its latest version. The algorithm that BEAM uses is Equihash 150/5, so other miners supporting that algorithm should in theory be compatible with NiceHash as well, though there is no guarantee for that.

The latest Bminer 13.0.0 should be the preferred choice for a Nvidia GPU miners that are currently mining Grin as it offers the best performance at the moment compared to other available miners. However there are still some things that may need extra work such as full worker support for Sparkpool (one of the first and largest currently available for Grin mining). At the moment you can use Bminer with Sparkpool, but all your rigs will be under a single worker called “miner-rig-0” as the worker setting of the pool interfere with the settings for pool, username and password schema that Bminer uses. The extra performance of up to about 50-60% compared to other miners such as NBminer or GMiner and others is well worth it. There is apparently a way to actually setup a worker on Sparkpool, you just need to escape the slash used for setting up a worker name and it will work just fine, here you ca find a short guide on how to do it.

We remind you that that Bminer is a closed source Nvidia GPU miner available for Linux and Windows in the form of pre-compiled binaries and that there is a 2% development fee for Grin, Beam, Bytom (BTM), Equihash and Zhash coins, 0.65% for Ethash and 1.3% for dual mining Ethash and Blake.

To download and try the latest release of the Bminer 13.0.0 Nvidia GPU miner…

ProgPoW or Programmatic Proof-of-Work can be seen as the successor of the Ethash algorithm with enhanced ASIC resistance and while it has been available for a while there hasn’t been that much going around the new algorithm up until recently. The fact that Ethereum (ETH) is considering the switch from Ethash to ProgPoW in the near future has sparkled interest in the algorithm and we may soon start seeing more coins and miners talking about the use of that particular algo. Some of you might remember that Bitcoin Interest (BCI) was the first crypto coin to switch to the ProgPoW a couple of months ago. And while BCI hasn’t been doing that well actually, before or even after the fork to ProgPoW, it is still interesting to note that it was the first to use it and it also provided pre-compiled binaries of the initial miner for ProgPow.

Meanwhile there hasn’t been that much alternative miners up until recently that had support for ProgPow, probably due to the fact that further significant optimizations in terms of performance might not be possible for the available mining hardware. One of the more recent and not very popular yet miners available with ProgPoW support is TT-Miner, a closed source miner with 1% developer fee available only for Windows and working only on more recent Nvidia GPUs. TT-Miner (TradeTec Miner) also supports Ethash, UBQhash and MTP aside from ProgPoW and in our limited experience it has performed pretty good on a variety of Nvidia GPUs.

Another really fresh ProgPow miner that was just made available and that apparently needs more work is Progminer. It is forked from Ethminer and the source is available along with compiled binaries for Windows and Linux, do note that there are separate pre-compiled binaries available for AMD and for Nvidia GPUs, so make sure you download the correct one. This is probably the best miner to go for at the moment for ProgPoW specs wise, unless you have some trouble making it work on your particular hardware as we have encountered some issues already… Feel free to report your issues (if you have) and what performance running any of these ProgPoW miners in the comments below.
