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The Litecoin Difficulty has increased after dropping significantly down to 2820 the previous time. The new Litecoin difficulty is 3508 and that is an increase with a bit over 24% than the previous one. The result is that LTC mining profitability got lower and at the moment alternative crypto mining such as DOGE coins for example is even more attractive than directly mining for LTC than before. Another interesting crypto coin that recently has generated a lot of attention is VertCoin (VTC) as it is an alternative crypto that does not use the typical Scrypt method, but a modified one and is claimed to be Scrypt ASIC resistant. Protoshares are also another interesting option for GPU mining as they are also gaining more user interest since the recent adoption of GPU mining as they were previously mined only with CPU. And for CPU only mining Primecoin (XPM) is still a good choice, though the profitability is not that attractive as the one of coins that can be mined with GPUs.


CPU mining is already completely pointless if you are going to be mining for Bitcoins or another SHA-256 crypto currency, the same goes for Litecoin and other Scrypt currencies. You however may need to test something, like a pool or anything else and may not have a handy GPU or an ASIC to test with, so a CPU miner could still be handy. Below you can download the latest version of the Pooler 2.3.2 CPU miner for Windows with ready bat files for Scrypt and SHA-256 mining. You only need to insert the right settings for the pool and worker and can start testing…

You can download Pooler 2.3.2 CPU miner for Windows (Scrypt/SHA-256) for Windows here…


PayCoin (PYC) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It runs off the popular scrypt protocol which gives it unmatched stability and easy accessibility. PayCoin uses memory-hard, scrypt-based mining with both proof-of-work and proof of stake algorithm to target the regular computers and GPUs most people already have. The PayCoin network is scheduled to produce 30 million currency units.


Block Explorer / Crawler
Not Available.


  • Scrypt Algorithm
  • Proof of work / Proof of stake
  • Support transaction message
  • Fair start, no premine
  • No transaction fee
  • Diff re-target every block
  • 3 coins per block
  • 60 seconds block time
  • 5 confirmations for transaction
  • 60 confirmations for minted blocks
  • Total 30 million coins to be mined


Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 9289
  • P2P Port: 9288


