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After trying out PTS mining at ypool we have also decided to try out another Protoshares mining pool with CPU mining to see if we are going to get better results with the Round-Based Pay Per Share (RBPPS) payment system and the lower 3.5% fee that the 1GH PTS mining pool has. We’ve been testing the pool with GPU miners lately, however for the last 24 hours we tested only with CPU miners to see what profit we are going to get.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– Intel Core i5 2500K Quad Core 3.3 GHz
– AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Six Core 3.3 GHz

The 1GH pool we used for PTS mining has:
– 3.5% fee

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.1169 PTS

The value of the Protoshares mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.00173806 BTC
– ~$1.38 USD

The profit we got from the 1GH PTS mining pool was a bit higher than the one we’ve managed to get for 24 hours at ypool, however the difference in USD is also affected by the BTC/USD and PTS/BTC exchange rates. What is clear however is the fact that there is not much point in mining Protoshares (PTS) with CPU at the moment, if you plan on mining Protoshares then you need to think about going for GPU mining. The 1GH Protoshares mining pool has a very good performing GPU miner that works on both AMD graphics and Nvidia graphics very well. Furthermore the 1GH pool has another advantage over ypool and that s the fact that this pool sends automatically your earnings as long as they are over 0.1 PTS confirmed and in ypool the minimum is 1 PTS.


Leadcoin (LDC) is a lite version of Bitcoin using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm.


Block Explorer / Crawler


  • Scrypt Algorithm
  • CPU/GPU mining
  • Quick block generation: 30 seconds
  • 3840 LDC per block (halving every 86400 blocks ~ 30days)
  • Block reward will never drop below 1 LDC
  • Difficulty retargets every 20 blocks


Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 27001
  • P2P Port: 27000




Here is our real world 24 hour test with mining Protoshare (PTS) with CPU only in order to get an idea what profitability you can expect with the current market price for PTS. We’ve used two CPUs – one AMD and one Intel on systems that already mine Scrypt coins with video cards the idea to not waste the CPU performance we have available since Scrypt mining with GPUs does not require a lot of processor power.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– Intel Core i5 2500K Quad Core 3.3 GHz
– AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Six Core 3.3 GHz

The pool we used for PTS mining is ypool:
– 5% fee

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.10423418 PTS

The value of the Protoshares mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.00138917 BTC
– ~$1.10 USD

The end result is quite interesting as the profitability we got in USD is pretty much the same as the one we’ve managed to get in our Primecoin (XPM) mining test for 24 hours with the same CPU hardware. A bit over a dollar a day pretty much covers the extra increase in power usage, so the real profit minus the expenses is minimal. But there seems to be GPU miners already available for PTS, so the next thing is to try out these and see if it is worth to mine PTS on the GPU or there is no point since scrypt mining on the GPU will be more profitable.
