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There is now an updated version of cgminer based on 3.7.2 (kalroth cgminer 3.7.3) with support for MaxCoin’s keccak (SHA-3) algorithm that is more stable and optimized than the previously available cgminer 3.6.6 with keccak support. So if you are still using the old version 3.6.6 of cgminer with keccak support, then you better update to the new cgminer 3.7.3 kalroth release for mining MaxCoins (MAX). You can also build the miner yourself from source if you wish. If you are looking for the last original release of the cgminer version 3.7.2 before Scrypt GPU mining was removed from cgminer, do note it does not have support for the Keccak algorithm however!

Example command line for Scrypt mining:
 cgminer –scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourworker.1 -p password

You can download cgminer 3.7.3 karloth with GPU mining support for Windows OS here…


Nowadays Bitcoin is only mined by those who have managed to secure some sort of ASIC mining hardware, because it is pointless to mine BTC with GPU let alone with CPU miners. That is the reason why there are not that many Bitcoin mining pools left and there are a few larger ones that most people are mining in. Below you can see a list of the top Bitcoin mining pools with a short info about each one of them: – 0% mining pool fee, PPLNSG payout system, merged mining NMC/DVC/IXC
Eligius – 0% mining pool fee, CPPSRB payment system, no registration required
BTC Guild – 3% PPLNSG, 7.5% PPS pool fee, merged mining NMC
Discus Fish – Some sort of a large private(?) Chinese pool
Slush – 2% mining pool fee, RBPPS payment system
BitMinter – 1% mining pool fee, PPLNSG payment system


The MaxCoin time with CPU mining was very short and now everyone is mining with GPU as soon as it became available, so the MAX crypto continues will full throttle. If you are looking into mining MaxCoin with GPU, then you might find this helpful – download CUDAminer for Nvidia with keccak support or download cgminer 3.6.6 with keccak support from the link below if you are mining with AMD graphics cards using OpenCL. The keccak version of cgminer miner may not be 100% stable, but it will restart again if there is a problem and it crashes. And as a suggestion for a pool to mine MaxCoin in – try 1GH. Ypool has already closed their MAX pool due to the serious DDoS attacks that MaxCoin pools were getting since the crypto has been announced a few days ago and 1GH seems to have resolved their problems with the attacks they were getting as well and are probably one of the largest if not the largest MaxCoin pool at the moment. There is now a newer version 3.7.2(3) available that is much more stable and reliable than the version 3.6.6.
