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ProtoShares (PTS) now called Bitshares-PTS is an alternative cryptocoin that uses a new Momentum Proof of Work (POW) algorithm that is designed to be GPU and ASIC resistant, so you can only mine them for now by using the processor (CPU). There was even a $5000 USD bounty set by the developers of PTS for anyone who can prove it is vulnerable to GPUs or ASICs, so it is only CPU mining for quite a while for these. However there are already a few implementations taking advantage of Nvidia’s CUDA architecture as well as for OpenCL for AMD GPUs, though we have not yet tested these.

THe idea to use CPUs for mining is a good one if you are already mining with GPUs for scrypt-based coins and want to be able to fully utilize your mining hardware since the load on the CPU is minimal when mining LTC or other scrypt altcoins. When talking about CPU mining the first alternative crypto that comes to mind is the Primecoin and then the Protoshares, we’ve already tested what you can expect from a day of mining XPM and we are soon going to report on our 24 hour PTS mining results. Just don’t expect to have too high profit from PTS mining at the moment, it is just some extra that you can get out of the hardware you probably already own.

Protoshares (PTS) mining pools:

Protoshares (PTS) exchanges:


DOGE coin is on the rise again, after being one of the best alternative scrypt-based crypto currencies to mine instead of LTC a few weeks ago. If you are currently mining LTC directly, then you should reconsider and start mining DOGE coin and after that selling the DOGE for LTC. This way you will make much better profit than directly mining for LTC coins, at the moment directly mining DOGE coins and selling for LTC you can double your profit. Simply said by mining DOGE coins you can end up with twice the profit than directly mining LTC coins at this moment and the profitability may go even higher than that. So if you have GPUs mining for LTC switch them to mine DOGE for now.

The other good thing about mining DOGE coins and trading them for LTC is that the LTC difficulty will not rise as much and in fact may even drop a bit, so it will be easier to mine Litecoins if and when DOGE is not that profitable anymore to mine. So definitely a win-win situation – you get about double profit and will make LTC easier to mine in the feature.

Where to mine DOGE coins?
List of Dogecoin Mining Pools

Where to sell DOGE coins?
Atomic Trade

CasinoCoin (CSC): An open source, peer-to-peer digital currency specifically designed for online casino gaming at websites such as togel hongkong.

Since April 15th, 2011, a day dubbed as ‘Black Friday’ by the online gaming community, it has become increasingly difficult to deposit funds for online casino gaming due to deposit restrictions between centralized financial institutions and online casino platforms. Avid online players have since not been able to enjoy the same conveniences and the ease of accessibility that they were once afforded. Those days are no more with the advent of CasinoCoin.

As a decentralized crypto currency, CasinoCoin offers the solution to help fill this void. Consider CasinoCoin as a universal casino chip that is easily transferable between online casino gaming applications, exchanges and peers. Imagine using CasinoCoin at your favorite online poker sites, then instantly transfer your winnings over to your favorite online casino to play Blackjack. How about a friendly wager over a game of chess? This is all possible with CasinoCoin.

Check more at Casino

CasinoCoin is an open source, peer-to-peer digital currency specifically designed for online casino gaming. It is a platform independent crypto currency that is easily transferable between gaming applications, exchanges and peers. CasinoCoin can simply be summed up as universal casino chips.

By itself, CasinoCoin has no value. Within casino gaming applications, it can be used to play games of skill and chance. On the exchanges, CasinoCoin is worth what the market values it at and it can be bought, sold and exchanged to fiat currencies such as US dollars or exchanged to other crypto currencies such as Bitcoin.

CasinoCoin is based on the strengths of crypto currency protocols such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Feathercoin and digitalcoin, giving it a second movers advantage. It leverages the security of Bitcoin, the accessibility of Litecoin, the abundance of Feathercoin, and the speed of digitalcoin. While CasinoCoin can be used as a general purpose currency, it serves a specific purpose and is marketed exclusively for online casino gaming and rewards redemption.

Announcement at Bitcointalk

Block Explorer / Crawler
Not available.


  • Scrypt Algorithm
  • 30 second block time targets
  • ~336 million total coins
  • 720 blocks to retarget difficulty
  • 50 coins per block, halves every 3,153,600 blocks (~3 years)
  • Fair launch, absolutely no premine


Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 47970
  • P2P Port: 47950


