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SFARDS, the company formed after the merging Gridseed and WiiBox, has just announced that they have completed their new 28nm SF3301 dual-algorithm ASIC chip manufactured using the latest in FD-SOI processing technology and have released specifications about expected power usage and performance. The SF3301 is the claimed to be the world’s first chip to use this manufacturing process and is at the same time the first 28nm dual-algorithm (SHA-256 and Scrypt) chip, capable of mining these two algorithms simultaneously or separately.

According to SFARDS this technology allows for the ASIC chip to operate at lower voltage while maintaining a higher frequency resulting in better balance between power usage and performance. The SF3301 ASIC chip should have a lowest working voltage of only 0.45V with a BTC power efficiency at 0.19 J/GH, and LTC power efficiency at 1.75 J/MH (better than the initially announced numbers). With a reported performance for a single SF3301 chip for BTC with a hashrate of 152 GH/s, and LTC hashrate of 3.17 MH/s things may become interesting again for Scrypt miners, though it also depends on the price per chip. We are talking about a power consumption figures of about 90W per chip (152 GHS) in BTC mode and about 5.5W per chip (3.17 MHS) in LTC mode or supposedly in dual mining mode, for both BTC and LTC, a combined power usage of about 100W per chip. Now scale that to a 10 chip ASIC miner and you should get something like 1.5 THS BTC + 32 MHS LTC mining power with a 1000W power usage or a bit more…

SFARDS is apparently planning to release a number of documents for the SF3301 as open-source by the end of this month. The ASIC’s development board design and its software should also be published, and in May the design specifications for their debut Dual Miner solution is expected to be released. SFARDS will be selling ASIC development boards and sample chips, making the SF3301 accessible to developers who wish to customize and build their own hardware in the near future, though no mention of expected time frame is mentioned yet. No word yet on piring per chip or the miner or the number of chips we are going to see in the first upcoming miner.

For more information about the new SFARDS ASIC mining hardware manufacturer…


Last year Gridseed and WiiBox have officially merged to become known as SFARDS. And the new company has recently announced that they have taped out their 28nm SF3301 Dual-Algorithm ASIC chips that should be capable of mining both Bitcoin (SHA256) and Litecoin (scrypt) as the same time similar as an idea to what Gridseed offered in terms of mining hardware last year. By using FD-SOI technology the power efficiency when mining with SHA-256 is expected to reach below the 0.3 J/GH range, and 2.0 J/MH when mining with Scrypt according to SFARDS. The new company expects to have their first ASIC dual miners as early as April and hopefully we are going to get some more details about expected specifications very soon.

The big question that arises is what kind of performance have they managed to get out from their 28nm SF3301 ASIC chips for mining SHA-256 and Scrypt algorithms separately as well as when mining them together and of course what will be the price of the miners. People are hoping that the new miners could bring back the interest in Litecoin and bring up the exchange rate as it has been pretty low for quite a while, especially after the bad news from Zeus and Bitmain that canceled he development of their latest generation of Scrypt ASIC hardware that was initially expected to hit the market by the end of 2014.

For more information about the new SFARDS ASIC mining hardware manufacturer…


The Dutch company Mining ASICS Technologies (MAT) is now insolvent (bankrupt) according to information we got from our colleagues at Bitcoin Update. We have covered Mining ASICS Technologies multiple times so far and lately they did have some trouble as their main focus was Scrypt ASIC miners which they were late to deliver and in fact it seems that just very few customers got their mining hardware from MAT. If you have not received what you have paid for you can contact the bankruptcy trustee appointed to deal with the company for additional information on how you should proceed. The bankruptcy trustee contact information provided by is quoted below. The official website of the company is not longer available or at least at the moment we are getting an error message when we try to open it.

You can contact curator (trustee)
Curator Mr. C.F.M.P. Spreksel, Wilhelminasingel 63, 6221 BG Maastricht.
Tel: 043-3432859
