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It seems now that the fastest Bytom (BTM) mining performance is once again being offered by the latest Bminer 10.0.0, beating what the latest NebuTech BTMiner 7.0 is delivering at the moment. The latest version of Bminer brings substantial increase in BTM mining hashrate of up to 30% over what the previous Bminer 9.1.0 was able to deliver, thus beating the competition with at least 10% on GTX 1080 Ti (percentage can vary depending on your hashrate). Unfortunately it seems that the new version also supports only pools with direct wallet addresses as worker IDs, it does not seem to work with pools that rely on worker usernames and that actually limits the usability of the miner even if it is the fastest performing one you cannot use it on all mining pools.

The new Bminer also introduces support for mining Zhash (Equihash with parameter set 144,5) based coins and that also makes it more attractive to wider audience of miners that are switching to algorithms not being supported by ASIC miners. An example of popular crypto coin that uses this particular variation of Equihash is Bitcoin Gold (BTG), though there are others as well. The other let us say minor update is the addition for support fore reported hashrate feature on ETH pools. Do not forget that Bminer is a closed source Nvidia GPU miner available for Linux and Windows in the form of pre-compiled binaries and that there is a 2% development fee for Bytom (BTM), Equihash and Zhash coins, 0.65% for Ethash and 1.3% for dual mining Ethash and Blake.

To download and try the latest release of the Bminer 10.0.0 Nvidia GPU miner…

Bytom (BTM) mining support has been introduced in the previous Bminer 9.0.0 release and back then it was faster than the alternative miner. Since then however the NebuTech BTMiner has taken the lead in terms of hashrate. With the new Bminer 9.1.0 that substantially increases the BTM mining speed with up to 30% over the previous version Bminer is catching up, but still a bit behind what the latest NebuTech BTMiner 7.0 is providing.

With Bminer Bytom (BTM) mining support (tensority algorithm) was originally introduced to support f2pool mining and it seems that not all mining pools are still supported, for example Bitmain’s AntPool still does not work in the new version, though the problem is probably related to the pools that use of workers instead of payment addresses. So apart from further improvements in performance this is another thing that needs work in order to be competitive as far as BTM mining goes.

Bminer also supports mining of Equihash and Ethash, but both of these algorithms have been taken over by ASIC miners already or will soon be, even though Ethereum and some other Ethash coins are still often found in the top of most profitable coins to be miner in mining calculators. We remind you that this is a closed source Nvidia GPU miner available for Linux and Windows in the form of pre-compiled binaries and that there is a 2% development fee for BTM and Equihash, 0.65% for Ethash and 1.3% for dual mining Ethash and Blake.

To download and try the latest release of the Bminer 9.1.0 Nvidia GPU miner…

WE have already covered the Bminer mining software, though lately it wasn’t so interesting with only Equihash and then Ethash support, even the dual-mining option did not help much as there are already moving to the ASIC miner domain. The latest version 9.0.0 of Bminer however adds something new and interesting, we are talking about experimental Bytom (BTM) mining support for Nvidia GPUs and the performance is really good when things work. We are seeing significantly better results with the new Bminer 9.0.0 compared to the already available NebuTech BTMiner On Nvidia GPU Mining Rigs… we are talking 50% faster performance on GTX 1080 Ti. The drawback here however is that since it is still experimental it may not work on all mining pools, but if you are interested in BTM and are mining it, then you should give it a go and see what improvement you can get. We are reminding you that Bminer is a closed source miner available for Linux and Windows and it has a 2% developer fee built in for Bythom (BTM) mining.

For more details and to download the latest Bminer 9.0.0 with BTM mining support…
