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It seems we’ve been using Genesis Mining’s cloud mining services for two weeks already and have decided to do a short update on our experience with the service after our initial impressions form the service that we’ve shared earlier this month. You can see the list of transactions and payments we have received so far with 1 MHS worth of Scrypt hashrate at the service and the full hashrate set to BTC payments, so whatever the service has mined gets converted to Bitcoins and we get payed in BTC at the end of the day. As you can see from the numbers there are some days with better results than others, but you can get a good idea on what to expect as an average and be able to do the math multiplying the numbers for more megahashes if you are interested.

On a side note, the service as also started accepting DOGEcoin as a payment method for hashrate, though if you convert the 1 MHS price of $180 USD to DOGE the amount you get is quite big – 561909 DOGE (over half a million). And of course you already have the option to allocate the cloud mining hashrate that you purchase for mining DOGE in the control panel should you be interested in that. Initially the prices that Genesis Mining had for the Scrypt cloud mining hashrate were quite good, but with the latest price drops of the Scrypt ASIC miners you could be able to purchase Zeus-based ASIC miners for half the price for the same cloud mining hashrate. So this is something to consider as well when thinking about the possibility to go for the easier way of cloud mining, where you will not have to deal with actual hardware installation and management, including power usage, heat and noise generated by actual Scrypt ASIC miners.

You can also use the following up to date promo code to get a 2.5% discount of the regular price nSO2TE should you decide to try out the service yourself.

For more information and to try out the Genesis Mining Scrypt could mining service yourself…


There were some people asking for a simple solution to automate the process of restarting a miner software every few hours in order to be sure that it is working fine under Windows OS. The below Batch file code example offers a simple and easy way to do that and it uses sandor’s fork of cpuminer for Gridseed Scrypt ASICs as an example. You need to set the parameters based on the miner and command line you use as well as the time after which the miner process will be killed (default 4 hours), then the script will wait for 10 seconds and start the miner again. There is also a counter to show you the number of restarts that have been executed since you’ve started the Batch script.

@echo off

echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Simple script to restart your miner software after a period of time
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------

set executable=minerd.exe
set commandline=--freq=1150 --gc3355=\\.\COM1 --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=yourworker.1:password
set runforseconds=14400
set restartinseconds=10
set /a counter=0

start "Miner Window" %executable% %commandline%
echo The software will run for %runforseconds% seconds
timeout %runforseconds%
taskkill /f /im %executable%
echo Restarting the software in %restartinseconds% seconds (%counter%)
timeout %restartinseconds%
set /a counter+=1
goto start

In order to use the code above you just have to copy it and save as a .BAT file as well as to modify some of the variables as per your needs and requirements and then run it. Do note that you will get two program windows, one that will have the Batch script running and another for the miner software. You should not close the windows with the script running as this will stop the execution of the script immediately and the miner software will not be restarted anymore.


Great news for everyone in Europe that is interested in purchasing a ZeusMiner Scrypt ASIC as we just got a word that MinerEU has become an official distributor of Zeus Integrated Systems Limited. This means that you can now get good prices and fast shipping time from Europe with no need to pay additional (VAT) or customs taxes if you are based in the European Union.


Here you can see how MinerEU will be updating the prices of the ZeusMiner Scrypt ASICs they are going to be offering depending on the week you order your miners. These are absolutely the same prices that you can get directly from Zeus, however if you are based in EU and you order from MinerEU you are not going to have to pay so much for shipping and extra costs like VAT or customs taxes. At the moment they have listed the ZeusMiner Blizard and ZeusMiner Hurricane X3 with delivery starting on June 17th, 2014 according to the information published on their website.
