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With the already available support for X11, X13 and X15 the Mining Rig Rentals service for users leasing their mining rigs and users willing to rent mining hashrate has also introduced support for the X14 algorithm. X11 however still remains the most popular algorithm for GPU mining rigs at the moment now that SHA-256 and Scrypt are already in the domain of ASIC miners and other algorithms using GPUs such as X13, Keccak, NIST5, Fresh and so on are still a lot behind the interest in X11. Nevertheless MRR is the first service to offer support for X14 algorithm and the service also offers support for some other algorithms that are not being supported by other alternatives for renting mining rigs or hashrate. Currently there are quite a few rigs already available for rent supporting X14 and very few are already rented, so if you need X14 hashrate you might want to check the prices and the available hashrate.

For more information about the Mining Rig Rentals service for renting crypto mining rigs…


ZeusMiner has started a closed beta testing of their new ZeusHash cloud mining platform, we have been using the old basic Scrypt cloud mining service they have been offering for a bit, the same platform that they used for hosted miners. So we are really looking forward in seeing what they have to offer in the new version after the closed beta test finishes, which according to them should take about a week before the platform is open for everyone. It seems that the new ZeusHash cloud mining platform will offer both Scrypt and SHA-256 cloud mining options and there will apparently also be a trading functionality to sell your hashrate. The prices are $0.889 USD per GHS for Bitcoin mining hashrate and $15.99 USD per MHS for Litecoin mining hashrate. ZeusMiner is still selling Scrypt cloud mining hahrate that will be allocated in the old platform for the moment, but once the new one is open it will most likely be moved there.

For more information about the new ZeusHash BTC and LTC cloud mining service…


This is something hat you normally would not expect to happen, to see the prices of cloud mining hashrate to increase instead to get down as time passes, but we are seeing this happening in the last days with more than just one service. Normally the price of cloud mining hashrate should decrease over time as the network difficulty increases and as better hardware becomes available (higher performance and lower power usage). It seems however that lately there is so much interest in cloud mining from users that the already available services are having hard time meeting the demand for hashrate. The normal result in this case is to temporary increase the price, so that the number of new users should be lower, at least until you get enough capacity in terms of mining hardware to cover the demand.

A good example is the GAW Miners Hashlet that has generated quite a lot of buzz when it was launched with a price of just $15.99 USD for 1 MHS worth of Scrypt mining hashrate. At this price per megahash it was really attractive option to invest into and the result was a lot of hashrate being purchased by miners. Apparently the demand from users was so high that the price has been increased first to $19.99 USD and then a second time a bit later on up to $24.99, a price that is over 55% higher and not that attractive anymore. This means 55% more time to ROI now as compared to the initial price that the early adopters got when buying Hashlets and in the world of mining this is really significant increase.

But it is not only GAW, another big cloud mining service, namely PBMining has also done something similar and unlike with LTC the Bitcoin difficulty does not temporary drop, but continues to steadily increase. Previously the service was selling 1 GHS hashrate for 0.0029 BTC, but their latest price has been increased to 0.0033 BTC. Not so significant increase as in the case above, but still going up by about 14% is not little and definitely not something that you would normally expect to see. This is actually the first time we are seeing an increase with that service and we’ve seen them stopping to take orders at times when the available hashrate from the supposed ASIC mining hardware in the backend has depleted.

Another similar example is the service called Bitcoin Cloud Services that has also increased the rate of their rate for 1 GHS worth of Bitcoin mining hahsrate. Their previous price was at 0.0026 per GHS, right after they were temporary out of stock for a bit and were not selling hashrate. Their current price however has been increased up to 0.0029 per GHS which is probably the most attractive Bitcoin cloud mining price that you can get at the moment.

With other cloud mining services such as for example there hasn’t been too much of a change, but there the price per GHS is driven by the users that trade on the website’s exchange. Of course because of that fact the prices there tend to be higher than on other competing services such as some of the ones mentioned already. Other services such as CloudHashing than tend to remain pretty expensive and don’t update their prices often are not having such problems, so that they don’t get the need to increase the prices further. All this however seems to point to the fact that there is an increased demand from users for cloud mining services, especially ones that actually can deliver relatively quick ROI and miners can thing about getting some profit investing in them. As a result we expect to see some more competition in the cloud mining services especially now when many ASIC manufacturers are also working on offering cloud mining services along with their new and upcoming mining hardware.
