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The CoinCodeCap project is another interesting way to rank crypto currencies, but instead of using market capitalization or trading volume it ranks them based on their tech development using the Github activity of the projects. The ranking algorithm uses all the repositories of any cryptocurrency projec as there are a some projects like Ethereum for instance that has more than 100 repositories. Something interesting from the last few days based on data from CoinCodeCap is that 1376 coins did not publish any commits in the last 90 days or more, projects with combined market cap of over $800 million USD. Of course only 90 days with no activity may note necessarily mean a project is dead, but over 500 of these tracked “dead crypto projects” have had no commits for more than a year already. So if you are interested in looking at a different kind of crypto ranking and also check for some projects with no activity for a while that you might be holding coins or are considering mining, then definitely give Bitcode Methoda go. You should also learn how to create your blockchain using the most powerful framework substrate.

To visit the CoinCodeCap Github activity crypto coin ranking website…

Kadena (KDA) is a few years old startup company with serious financial backing that has just recently launched their public blockchain and it promises some interesting things including support for tens of thousand transactions per second with multiple blockchains. Kadena is supposedly offering a blockchain that is faster, more secure, and more scalable than other crypto projects and on top of that it is being done with Proof of Work, so mining is possible for anyone that might be interested. Kadena also supports smart contracts and comes with its Pact smart contract language described as the first truly human readable smart contract programming language that should be easy to be used by more users and not just advanced programmers.

For the moment Kadena can be mined only using CPU, no GPUs, FPGAs or ASIC miners, so good news for anyone with some CPU resources that can be utilized for mining. The not so good news is that for the moment the chainweb-node and miner used by Kadena is still only available for Linux and Mac OS users only, so no Windows binaries are available. This means that you cannot yet run a full node or mine if your mining rigs are running Windows OS or even if you are running on most of the specific Linux-based OSes for mining, unless you add the required support yourself. Here you can read more on mining for the Kadena Public Blockchain if you are interested. Mining is either done by running a local full node or with a remote node supporting mining and just the miner software that is packaged inside the chainweb-node.

If you are interested on getting more details about the Kadena (KDA) crypto project…

The XMRig miner is what you would go for if you are interested in mining the RandomX CPU algorithm or any of its variations. While the miner does support CPU and GPU mining for RandomX and other algorithms up until now you had to download separate versions depending on the type of mining hardware you wanted to use, but this is needed no more. The latest XMRig 4.5.0 beta release comes as a unified 3 in 1 miner that supports CPU mining as well as AMD and Nvidia GPU mining. Of course if you are only interested in RandomX mining then you probably want to use CPU mining as GPUs do not perform nowhere near as good as a more recent higher-end multi-core processor does (especially the latest AMD Ryzen CPUs). Then again XMRig does support a number of other algorithms as well and RandomX is not as usable and interesting as of this moment anyway, though in the near future things may significantly change… who knows.

To download and try the latest version of the XMRig CPU miner with RandomX support…
