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The last 24 hours we tested mining Protoshares at the 1GH PTS mining pool using their GPU miner along with a single AMD R9 Radeon 280X graphics card to see what we can expect in terms of mined PTS and check the profitability if PTS mining with GPU versus LTC mining with GPU. With the difficulty of the Litecoin going back higher and the increase of the price of the Protoshares lately with the boom of GPU mining it is interesting to see what is more profitable to mine with your graphics cards.

The current Litecoin difficulty of 3300 ensures that with a single graphics card such as the Radeon 280X that we’ve used you are going to be mining about 0.2195 LTC per day. That is the earnings if you are directly mining LTC and not mining alternative cryptos that you then trade for LTC giving you higher profit.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– AMD R9 Radeon 280X graphics card running at 1050/1500 clocks

The 1GH pool we used for PTS mining has:
– 3.5% fee

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.5229 PTS

The value of the Protoshares mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.00799201 BTC
– 0.29450000 LTC
– ~$6.46 USD

So while there is not much point in mining Protoshares (PTS) with CPU anymore, there is a good point in mining for Protoshares instead of directly mining for Litecoin as this will give you slightly higher profitability if you exchange the mined PTS for LTC. Judging from our results you cans ay that at the moment GPU mining Protoshares you can earn about 34% more than mining with the same graphics hardware for Litecoins. So if you are interested in PTS mining, we do recommend you to give it a try at the 1GH PTS pool with a single GPU to see if you are going to be happy with the result you will get.


It seems that the author of cgminer has removed the compiled Windows version of cgminer 3.7.2 from the official download location here and you may have a hard time finding it at a different safe location. The cgminer version 3.7.2 is the latest official version of cgminer with GPU mining support, all newer versions are designed for use only with SHA-256 ASIC miners for Bitcoins and will not work on GPUs for scrypt mining anymore. So if you are mining for Litecoin (LTC) or other alternative scrypt-based crypto currency you would need to download cgminer 3.7.2 in order to be able to use your graphics cards for mining it. The official download location only offers source code versions of the cgminer and that goes for cgminer 4.0 or newer only. So if you need to download cgminer 3.7.2 for Windows you can do so from the link below as we have provided a mirror location.

Example command line for Scrypt mining:
cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourworker.1 -p password

Alternatively you can edit the cgminer.conf file with your mining settings and just run the cgminer.exe executable file to start mining.

You can download cgminer 3.7.2 with GPU mining support for Windows OS here…


Protoshares (PTS) mining was initially possible only with the use of your CPU, but recently there have been multiple miners released for GPU mining with support for both OpenCL on AMD and CUDA on Nvidia GPUs. The GPU mining clients are providing a much higher calculation rate than what CPUs can, so GPU mining for Protoshares is the way to go at the moment if you want to make some profit. Using CPUs only for mining the profit you will generate in terms of PTS and exchanged to USD will be very low per day, pretty much only able to cover your electricity costs, but with GPU the situation is completely different. If you want to use CPUs for mining a crypto, then we would suggest to go for Primecoin (XPM) where only CPU mining is possible for now.

With Protoshares there are just a few pools available where you can mine and the different pools have their own clients as they use different protocols, though there are some clients that can support multiple pools as well. The good news is that there are already multiple miners for CPU and GPU that might work with most if not all pools for PTS, so you just need to try them out and see what works best and what gives you the highest performance on your mining hardware. This is especially true for GPU mining where the difference in performance between different GPU miners can be up to 100%. With GPU miners however you should also check if they have a developer fee and how bit it is – a percent of your earnings goes to the miner developer. is the biggest PTS pool at the moment (also supports XPM and few other cryptos), however the pool uses a bit specific mode for calculating your earnings per block and has a 5% fee. The longer you mine, the more shares you will receive. Additionally each share is associated with a different value, called the share value. Depending on how ‘useful’ the share was you will receive more value. At the end of each round your share value will be used to determine how many coins you have earned. Also note than on Ypool’s howto page for mining Protoshares you can only find a CPU miner, though you can also find GPU miners that will work with the pool. Also in order to withdraw your mined Protoshares you need to have at least 1 PTS available in your balance.

1GH is a smaller pool than Ypool, but is growing well and is an easy and simple solution to get you started. It is one of the best pools for GPU mining with a high performance GPU miner available for Windows and Linux, though you can also CPU mine with YAM Miner with optimized miners available on their website. Due to the lower number of miners currently you will need to wait for more time for block solving, but the earnings per block will be higher. The pool earnings per block are based on the number of shares you contribute (Round-Based Pay Per Share – RBPPS) and the pool fee is 3.5%. Payouts here are made automatically when your balance reaches at least 0.1 PTS.

Ptsweb Beeeeer is a very simple plain-text web interface PTS mining pool with no registration required. There are multiple miners for CPU and GPU available that support it, but you need to check what works best on your available hardware. The pools has a 2.5% fee, uses proportional payment system at the moment, and payouts are made when blocks are confirmed (delay of 120 blocks) and you reach at least 0.2 PTS balance.

ProtoShares pool is another simple mining pool with a 3% pool fee, payout according to last round shares sent immediately to your wallet. The mining software recommended by the pool is for CPU mining only, though you might be able to find a GPU miner that will work as well.

PTSpool – 3% fee, 9 hour delay on payments no minimum, and upcpu – 2% fee and 0.1 PTS for automatic payment. These are Asian pools with simpler interface that you would be able to use even if you are not good with their language. Both pools support CPU and GPU mining.

Where you can trade Protoshares (PTS) for other cryptos:

For more information on pools and CPU/GPU miners for PTS:
BitShares PTS Mining Support and Pools Forum..
