Posts Tagged ‘BTC price


After quite some time with pretty stable, but low prices the exchange rate of BTC and LTC seems to be climbing up to more attractive levels for both miners and traders. Bitcoin has stabilized at the $250 USD level and Litecoin has reached the $3 USD level, but aside from the question what has caused the resent spikes in price there is another important question – will the prices get back to their previous levels, stabilize at their new levels or continue to rise. This is actually the hard part to predict, but the good thing is that there is finally some action going on on the market and better prices can also help the bit stagnant home mining segment… that is if they keep at a high level or continue to rise. This is especially important for small scale mining operations that are having hard time remaining profitable and with a ROI time in foreseeable future. So let us see what is going to happen in the following few days…


After a pretty long period of keeping low prices Bitcoin and Litecoin may have started to finally recover to a higher levels, currently the BTC exchange rate is back to over $300 USD and LTC is above $2 USD. Definitely good news for people with small mining operations or using cloud mining services that were worried about their investments that were at risk with the possibility of contracts getting terminated. A quick look at CEX.IO however shows that cloud mining there is still unprofitable even at the current prices with the automatic settings to turn on cloud mining when it is again profitable. At the same time however we are still seeing a trend for the network difficulty of Bitcoin to go down and for Litecoin to keep at pretty much the same level after getting down significantly lately. With the current prices we are expecting to see some mining operations getting back online after being stopped due to the low exchange rate, especially mining operations that are working on the mine and sell immediately model. We’ll have to wait and see how things will go from here on…


It seems that the latest positive news such as DISH planning to add Bitcoin payments and the lack of trouble in China lately has allowed the Bitcoin price to start going high again and it has just broke the $600 USD price per Bitcoin. This hasn’t happened since March and the price of Bitcoin is getting close to double the recent bottom that it hit in April when it was down to a about $340 USD. Hopefully this time the Bitcoin exchange rate will remain high and more stable and not be caused to drop down due to some new commotion happening somewhere in the world.

What we are not seeing however is the growth of the exchange rate of Litecoin and with all of the Scrypt ASIC miners getting introduced and shipped to the market at the current exchange rate things do not look so bright for people that have purchased ASICs. In an effort to get the rest of the payment from people that have pre-ordered Scrypt ASICs from Alpha Technology they had to rise the advertised hashrate multiple times to get back the interest from the people. Otherwise a lot of people were considering to cancel their pre-orders, and even now with the new hashrates announced people that have pre-ordered Vipers are still carefully considering. It is easier with Scrypt ASIC miners that are already available as you know you are going to have them in a few days, so the calculations are easier to make.

With the recent spike in interest and price of DarkCoin and generally X11 crypto currencies, already most of the GPU miners have moved to mining X11 crypto coins. In fact lately many of the new coin launches are based on the X11 algorithm and people are already developing more interest in still the not so many X13 crypto algorithm coins as well. So GPU mining is not going to disappear anytime soon as miners just find other alternatives when ASIC miners start hitting the market and start making GPU mining unprofitable.
