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Posts Tagged ‘scryptcc


After day and a half of use of the recently launched scryptcc cloud mining service we can continue sharing our experience from the service. The Income Calculator is showing shorter time for break in now, meaning that the profitability of the coins mined has increased and now we are getting more like 100-120 day than up to 180 days for return of investment (without reinvesting the earned coins) though this value still varies a lot constantly. We’ve started getting 68 KHS at first just to test the deposit of BTC, then have increased the purchased hashrate to 232 KHS and since then we’ve been reinvesting all of the mined coins back into KHS and we are already at 234 KHS, so two more purchased with the mined coins… not bad at all for now. We are reinvesting only the mined coins, because we are still going to be testing the service for a while more before depositing more coins in it to purchase more KHS.


Currently the exchange at scryptcc has little over 73150 KHS (73 MHS) of hashrate for purchase at a price of 0.00144444 BTC per KHS. This is the hashrate being sold by the service from the available mining power (a second batch of 100000 KHS) that is on the market at the standard price. As soon as it gets sold the trades will go between users who have purchased some of this hashrate, so we can expect that there will be an increase in the price per KHS. With that said it is also going to be a good idea to purchase KHS now and then sell them at profit if you are not interested in mining on the long run. And while you wait for the price to get higher, something that can take a few days, you can still make some extra mining profit, so it seems as a win-win situation.

We have also already contacted the scryptcc support with a few minor issues that we’ve had. We’ve already explained that the service is still very new and in Beta and although things are running quite smoothly, there are still some small things to polish left, but again nothing serious. The support is already looking into these and hopefully they will fix them soon, so should you decide to try the service do report some problems you find and send in your suggestions to the Support – this will help everyone else using the service, not only you. We are going to share more of our experience using the service in the following days, but we would recommend you to try it out yourself as well by getting a few KHS as a test if you are interested in it now.

Our initial thoughts and experience from using the scrypt cloud mining service…
More from our experience in using the scryptcc scrypt cloud mining service…


After our initial excitement about the scryptcc cloud mining service where you can purchase scrypt KHS that will immediately start mining for you we can now share some more of our experience with the service. We have been using it already for almost half a day and it seems to be working very well so far, we’ve made a second BTC deposit and as soon as we got the third confirmation the Bitcoins were available for trading and purchasing KHS on the exchange. So we have increased our hashrate to 232 KHS for testing the service. Our initial 68 KHS were purchased with an exchange rate for 1 KHS of 0.00144390 BTC, but at the moment there is a slight decrease and you can purchase 1 KHS scrypt cloud mining hashrate for 0.00144360 BTC.


The income mining calculator over at scryptcc says that the return of investment will be something in between 90 and 180 days, the profitability of the mined altcoins probably changes often and that affects the earnings in each 10 minute session and thus the Break Even time is affected as well. However that will be true if you only purchase hashrate for mining on the long run, if you also start trading the hasrate on the exchange once there are more trades happening there as currently people are mostly buying as the service is new and there is big availability of KHS for sale. The chances are however the exchange rate will start to increase due to increase in the user interest and the price will probably start to grow. This gives you the chance to not only mine for profit, but also trade for some extra profit thus decreasing the ROI time.


So far our profit from mining with the purchased Scrypt cloud mining hashrate is about 0.00072291 BTC for about half a day, though we started with just 68 KHS and then increased our hasrate to 232 KHS at a later time. The mined profit comes in steadily and is available to you every 10 minutes, so you can trade what you have mined for more KHS or withdraw it if you wish, though for now we are reinvesting the mined BTC into more hashrate. We are still very positive about this Scrypt cloud mining service as it really has a lot of potential, so you should give it a try if you are interested. One thing that we are missing at the moment however is the ability to deposit LTC and trade for KHS (as an extra to the available BTC support) with them and also to choose if you want to get your mined earnings in LTC or BTC, after all we are talking about Scrypt mining here, so LTC support is a must have feature and hopefully we are going to see it added soon.

For more information and to try out the scryptcc cloud mining service yourself…


Scryptcc is a new Scrypt-based Cloud Mining Service where you can purchase KHS and they will start mining alternative crypto currencies for you in the cloud right away. This service is really new and very similar to what is for Bitcoin cloud mining, however here you re purchasing Scrypt processing power and not SHA-256 like with CEX. It seems that the service is just a few days old and although there is some polishing that needs to be made it seems fully operational and working with thousands of KHS already available for purchase. scryptcc offers both cloud mining and exchange for trading KHS, just like you can do on with GHS and BTC.


In this exchange you can purchase KHS for scrypt-based cloud mining in a private pool, and the earnings you get are also calculated in BTC. There is no detailed information yet or ability to control what alternative crypto currencies the pool mines for you, but it should mine based on profitability such as DOGE or LTC for example (in the future there should be an option for the user to choose specific coin to be mined). The current lowest exchange rate for a 1 KHS is 0.00144390 BTC and according to the calculator that the service provides for checking your profitability you should be able to get a return of investment for about 180 days or half a year if you purchase KHS at that price. The good thing about Scrypt mining is that there are not yet serious ASIC devices on the market and there are already a lot of alternative cryptos to mine, so longer term investment in Scrypt could mining seems more reasonable than in SHA-256 cloud mining power.


We just started testing the scryptcc cloud based Scrypt mining service by purchasing a few KHS to test with, so we’ll keep you updated to what is happening and how things are going. Hopefully we are seeing something that will give some good alternative options for people that want to have access to higher Scrypt hashrate without having to deal directly with the hardware themselves. After you transfer some BTC to the service (only 3 network confirmations are required), you can purchase some Scrypt cloud hashrate on the exchange and the KHS you purchase are credited to your account and should start earning mining rewards every 10 minutes shortly. We just got our first small mining reward in BTC as you can see on the screenshot above that we reinvested into KHS. So we advice you to give the service a try with some small amount at first to see for yourself how things will be going as we decided to do. Have in mind that the service is still in Beta, so there could be some hiccups at first, but these will probably be dealt with quickly.

For more information and to try out the scryptcc cloud mining service yourself…
