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Posts Tagged ‘westhash


We have compiled a windows binary from the latest code of the ccMiner 1.5-git SP-MOD fork of the Nvidia miner optimized for Maxwell GPUs by SP (source). This miner includes the latest features available from tpruvot’s fork of ccMiner such as extra nonce support, however the main difference is that it is a version designed to provide the maximum performance on Maxwell-based Nvidia GPUs using Compute 5.0 (GTX 750, GTX 750 Ti) and Compute 5.2 (GTX 970 and GTX 980). If you are using an older Nvidia-based video card for mining crypto currencies you might want to stick with the tpruvot’s ccMiner fork that works with cards supporting Compute 3.0 or newer. The optimizations by SP do provide some extra hashrate and our test has shown a bit higher performance as compared to the latest code from tpruvot, testing with GTX 980 at stock frequency on X11 algorithm we are getting about 7900 KHS or slightly faster with the SP fork. The windows binary was compiled from the latest source with VS2013 and uses CUDA 6.5,s o make sure you have the latest video drivers installed.

To download the latest ccMiner for Maxwell version 1.5-git by SP for Windows OS…


We have compiled a windows binary from the latest (source) of ccMiner 1.5-git fork by tpruvot as he has added support for the Extra Nonce feature used by services such as NiceHash or WestHash to maximize the mining performance. So if you are currently leasing your Nvidia GPU mining hashrate at NiceHash you might want to try out the latest code of this ccMiner fork. Do note that there is still no official release of 1.5 by tpruvot and this windows binary is compiled from the latest source available on GitHub. There are also some increases in performance as compared to the previous release, so you should notice a slightly better hashrate in some algorithms. The windows binary available for download below is compiled for Compute 3.0, 3.5, 5.0 and 5.2 Nvidia GPUs using VS2013 and CUDA 6.5, so make sure you have updated your drivers if you still don’t have ones installed with CUDA 6.5 support.

To download the latest ccMiner version 1.5-git by tpruvot for Windows OS (CUDA 6.5)…


The successor of the NiceHash Control tool is now here and it is called Miner Control. The software from the same author, StuffOfInterest on Bitcointalk, is built on top of the basic profit switching algorithm use in NiceHash Control, but now comes with more pools supported. With Miner Control you are now able to switch between the most profitable pool among the following:NiceHash, TradeMyBit and YAAMP. There is also a manual configurations support for last resort backup pool also available, something that we have implemented in the form of a workaround for our mining packages that we have released for AMD and Nvidia that were using the NiceHash Control tool some time ago. We are soon going to be updating these packages to take advantage of the new features and functionality that the Miner Control offers, but meanwhile you can check out the new application and read about all of the new features and options it offers and also do your own configurations pairing it with a miner of your choice.

For more information and to download the new Miner Control application version 1.0…
