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New RPi Overclock Image for A2 Innosilicon Miners by Emdje Now Available

4 Sep


The user who has previously released an RPi OC version for Innosilicon A2 miners that did not work properly due to the fact that the official cgminer provided only accepted a few fixed operating frequencies has updated the image to version 2.0 and now it works. The new version adds support for 1000 MHz and then from 1080 MHz to 1400 MHz in 20 MHz steps and now the cgminer accepts these values due to a modification done to the A2 driver. So if you are an owner of an A2-based miner using 28nm Innosilicon Scrypt ASIC chips you might want to try the image out, we have already checked it and can confirm it works well.

To download the new overclock Raspberry Pi image for A2 Innosilicon miners by Emdje…

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