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The Latest AMD Radeon Drivers 17.10.2 Bring up to 12 GPU Support Under Windows 10

25 Oct

The latest AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.2 drives come with some interesting new features not only for games, but for compute use (including mining). The two of the interesting highlights regarding mining use are the GPU Workload option as well as up to 12 GPU Compute Support (only for Windows 10). This may open up more options to users using Windows 10 for mining rigs with more than 8 GPUs, at least if they are using AMD-based video cards and maybe soon we are going to see similar feature also provided by Nvidia as apparently the video drivers are capable of driving more than 8 GPUs under Windows 10 as AMD is showing.

GPU Workload
A new toggle in Radeon Settings that can be found under the “Gaming”, “Global Settings” options. This toggle will allow you to switch optimization between graphics or compute workloads on select Radeon RX 500 and Radeon RX 400 series graphics products.

Compute Support
Radeon Software now supports compute workloads for up to 12 installed Radeon RX 400, Radeon RX 500 or Radeon RX Vega series graphics products on Windows 10 system configurations.

It is not yet clear if there will be some performance improvement when using the compute workloads option as opposed to the gaming option, this will need to be tested. The up to 12 GPUs support for Radeon RX series of GPUs under Windows 10 is much more interesting for the miners that are already building mining rigs with motherboards supporting 12 or more GPUs. Do note that this feature apparently supports only AMD Radeon RX series of GPUs and not older models, but it also seems that the up to 4 VEGA GPUs limitation should also not be a problem anymore. Again this of course needs testing for a confirmation, so if you check any of these new features in the latest AMD video drivers feel free to report your results in the comments below.

Do note that according to AMD GPU Workload feature may cause a system hang when switching to Compute while AMD CrossFire is active, not that you would need to have Crossfire enabled at all for mining, but just be sure that it is disabled if your motherboard supports that. The Radeon Wattman should also give you less trouble when overclocking/underclocking the GPU, though probably not everything is fully resolved.

Update: It seems like AMD might have messed the performance with this new driver for RX 400 and RX 500 series of GPUs compared to what you are getting with the old Blockchain driver. So do not be in a hurry to update to this driver with 400/500 series if you are mining Ethereum or other Ethash-based altcoin as your mining performance may drop instead of increase! We are still yet to test the situation with VEGA GPUs, hopefully there things should be better…

For more details and to download and try the latest AMD Radeon Drivers 17.10.2…

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13 Responses to The Latest AMD Radeon Drivers 17.10.2 Bring up to 12 GPU Support Under Windows 10


October 26th, 2017 at 13:42

Compute enabled on the RX 480, running lower that block chain compute driver,

any one else finding it, does any one have a work around d, please report your MHS

block chain driver 4GB RX480 = 29/30MHS (bois mod)

17.10.2 with Compute 4GB RX480 = 25MHS (bois mod)


October 28th, 2017 at 01:31

crashes constantly… probably because the fan control is borked… not that wattman has ever worked


October 28th, 2017 at 20:23

Last paragraph, second sentence “So do to be in hurry…” should be “don’t be in a hurry.” Just started reading you blog, thanks for your hard work.

Ramiro Morales Jr

October 30th, 2017 at 07:24

GPU workload wasnt there after driver install.


November 1st, 2017 at 19:30

Crash, crash ->uninstall and switched to Blockchain driver.


November 3rd, 2017 at 22:08

Blockchain driver performs better. I’m stuck at 9 gpu with Claymore. Windows does recognize all 10 gpus, but somehow Claymore keeps crashing


November 4th, 2017 at 01:01

Just update to the newest 17.10.3 as it is working flawlessly for me. Coupled with the Win10 Fall Creator’s Update which fixed my OpenCL issues.

This update is stable and my 8-gpu rig hashes an average of 240Mh across eight Sapphire Nitro+ 580s with only 1250w at the wall dual-mining dcr.


November 4th, 2017 at 23:12

I have a Mobo Asus Z270-A and 6 (six) XFX RX 580 4gb, all conected by new riser and the windows dont take more than 3 GPU. The other GPU in the device manager said “This device Can not find enought free resource that it can use. (Code 12).
I have 3 days triyng all kind of drivers and i dont know why is so imposible.

I will donate something for a beer to anyone that can help me.. LOL

Thanks every body..


November 6th, 2017 at 01:54

Sherwol, on that motherboard make sure in BIOS 4G option is “enabled”


November 17th, 2017 at 11:56

THE new driver is Terrible for VEGA, you cant underclock the core down to -30% like the blockchain drivers can. This is critical for Monero and ETH mining, as VEGA64 is heavily memory bound.


November 27th, 2017 at 16:23

Hello, someone with 9+ Vega, its working for you ?


December 19th, 2017 at 08:48

Have 10 Vega 56 GPUs and have gone practically insane trying to figure out how to get ALL 10, not 9 + MSFT Display driver which is impossible to make disappear, actually show up in the device manager and also in the Radeon Wattman settings as 10 AMD RX Vega GPUs. If anyone knows how to resolve this disaster of an issue, please let me and others know for Windows 10. Also had same exact problem with Linux/Ubuntu using 17.50. For Windows have tried 17.11.4 and their latest 17.12.1 – both same results, although, one time I actually got 8 of 8 to show up, now, its 7 of 8, or at max 7 of 7, anytime I go to install the 8th GPU, even if I first get 7 of 7, then the 8th ALWAYS shows up as MSFT Display Driver, and no way to turn that abomination of an OS Windows 10 auto-updates to permanent off position. I do hope ethos comes up with support for Vega GPUs and quickly!! There must be a way to do this, and AMD’s install instructions are about as good as reading something in a foreign language – it serves no purpose to resolve the simplest task, to make sure ALL AMD HARDWARE IS NOT DOMINATED BY WINDOWS AUTO-UPDATE, and then to tell me it has the best driver for the device even when I point directly to the AMD drivers folder to attempt to update the driver from inside the device manager. 12 GPU’s perhaps if anything but the RX Vega GPUs. Actually, I did notice the compute switch works for all my RX 580’s, RX 480’s, and other GPUs, but, for some bizarre reason, AMD screwed us on the Vega GPUs for mining. That was brilliant…NOT!! And they claim its because the Vega’s don’t need the compute switch, which is total bull crap if you only use 4 to 6 of them they work quite nicely with the orig. blockchain drivers, not so much with anything else if trying to9 do the alleged 10 or even “up to 12” Vega GPUs…I hope somebody at AMD or anyone knows the fix to this, I have spent 4 days re-installing windows, de-installing and re-installing different drivers, etc. Also, what the hell is up with the Radeon software? You only get to make custom Wattman settings for N-1 GPU’s as if the last GPU is non-existent? Somebody at AMD needs to crack the whip on the dev team for pushing such lame software on the end-users…pathetic! :(

@ James – I feel your pain. You can also mod the bios of the Vega 56 using a 64 bios (have not done so myself as of yet), but, only if you are willing to void the warranty on any of them that you mod. I did it for all other 76 GPU’s I own, but waiting to first get the blood-gutty Vega cards ALL showing up as RX Vega in Device Manager. This N-1 thing is ridiculous.

@ AMD – Get your software testing together. Also, as with Linux, where one can sudo ./amdgpu-pro… –compute, why not enable anyone to be able to select UPON INSTALL whether they want the full driver set with graphics processing capabilities for gaming, or just install the compute part of the drivers and disable any gaming parameters that have zero meaning to miners who are giving your company WAYYYYYYY more business than gamers of the world and in much larger quantities – business 101 so some CFO type needs to unglue head from the wrong place and wake up to REALITY! I wish Raja was still with AMD, I would send him an email as he had the brains and know-how to actually make things happen that needed to happen. What happened? CFO wanted a larger bonus so screw over the people that pay for AMD’s actual products so he can bitch and moan about how much real software development costs and cut it back to minimal expenditure? Why finance type mentalities should NEVER be running a tech company…EVER!!


April 12th, 2018 at 05:49

I experimented with an RX 480 8GB card. And this is what I found: After changing to Compute mode and rebooting. I then changed the Anit-Aliasing Method to: SUPERSAMPLING, the Texture Filtering Quality to: HIGH, and the OpenGL Triple Buffering to: ON, then rebooted and started WinEth (the miner I am testing) and out of the box was maintaining a steady 28.7 Mh/s mining Eth. I made that change to all of my RX cards including my RXD 560 4 GB cards and all of them saw a significant increase in hashrate. (NO BIOS MODS)

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