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New sgminer 5.0 beta Fork with X15 Support Now Available

28 Jun


It seems that we are now moving from X11 and X13 to X15 as a few coins have already been launched or will be launched soon using the new X15 algorithm, so you need a new GPU miner in order to be able to mine them. Fortunately there is already a X15-capable fork of sgminer 5.0 beta available (source). We have compiled a windows binary that you can download and try below, our tests on an AMD Radeon R9 280X GPU have shown a hashrate of about 2300 KHS, so the performance is quite good when you consider that there are more algorithms in the X15 than in X13 and X11, so lower performance is to be expected.

You can download the new sgminer 5.0 beta fork with X15 support compiled for Windows OS here…

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9 Responses to New sgminer 5.0 beta Fork with X15 Support Now Available


June 28th, 2014 at 13:22

2800 KHS on R9 280X @1150/1500 MHz
Win7x64, 14.6


June 29th, 2014 at 00:13

Looks like the download is missing th4e x15 kernel file in the zip\kernel folder.

Should config be x15 or x15mod?



June 29th, 2014 at 00:34

Its bitblock for the kernel. But in my case its not working for me, get rejects and closing miner results in having to restart the computer.



June 29th, 2014 at 01:16

bitblock is the kernel used for X15, this is the name of one of the X15 crypto coins. This is an early version with X15 support, so some more tweaking and fixing may be required for the new algorithm to work well on various hardware and systems.


June 29th, 2014 at 17:14

guys ı need x15 config or sgminer setting or bat file. for 290-280x and 7950


July 3rd, 2014 at 18:53

just wondering… do i have to put something special into the .bat file?

the miner opens and closes in an instant…


July 3rd, 2014 at 19:49

There is no bat file, though you might want to check the config file, sgminer might not be finding the GPUs for some reason, so the gpu-platform option could help (some people report problems with the latest AMD drivers)


July 3rd, 2014 at 22:58

i know, that there is now bat file. i am just used to start it with a bat file (:. guess i will try to make it run with the config file


July 3rd, 2014 at 23:08

Alternatively just delete the config file and make sure to use as algorithm bitblock for X15.

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