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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

New update to version 0.6.4 for the T-rex Nvidia GPU miner that brings support for a new algorithm – hmq1725, as well as significant improvements to already supported algorithms. With the new T-Rex 0.6.4 you can expect to get abut 5-15% performance increase in x16r/s, x17, sonoa, c11, bitcore and renesis, depending on the GPUs in your mining rig. So definitely worth updating to the latest version if you are using the miner to mine any of the supported crypto coins on your Nvidia-based mining rigs. Do note however that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

One more update for the zealot/enemy miner aka z-enemy 1.19 that adds some extra performance improvement of about 5-7% for the supported algorithms like X16, X17, Bitcore, C11, Hex and so on. The new version also brings additional stability improvements, so if you are having trouble with a previous release, you should definitely try the new one. Do note that the 32-bit vrsion does seem to be faster in some algorithms compared to the 64-bit release, but you better test yourself on your own hardware.

The latest z-enemy version 1.19 is available for CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions as well as CUDA 9.0, CUDA 9.1 an CUDA 9.2 binaries for Linux (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu). Do note that for maximum performance it is recommended to have the latest drivers installed (ver. 398+). We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.1 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.1 64-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.2 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.2 64-bit

Linux Download (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu):
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.0
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.1
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.2

WildRig multi is the successor of the WildRig miner that originally supported only the Wild Keccak algorithm on both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. The new WildRig Multi miner currently supports the relatively new Renesis algorithm as well as the hmq1725 algorithm only and apparently the sonoa algorithm is planned for an upcoming update. Do note that the WildRig Multi currently supports only newer AMD RX and Vega GPUs (the miner comes with pre-compiled binary kernels for Baffin, Ellesmere and gfx900 only) and will not work on older AMD or Nvidia GPUs. The WildRig Multi 0.10.7 Beta is currently only available for Windows as a closed source binary and with a 2% developer fee built-in.

To download and try the WildRig Multi 0.10.7 Beta multi-algorithm miner for Windows…
