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The latest version of the XMR-stak miner (source) now comes in an all-in-one solution that can work on both CPU as well as GPU, together or separately and supports both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. XMR-stak supports tthe Cryptonight for Monero (XMR) and Cryptonight-light for AEON as algorithms and offers some of the best hashrates in terms of performance competing with Cast-XMR for the best AMD hashrate, especially on AMD RX VEGA GPUs. Do note that by default the developer fee for this miner is set to 2%, though the you can change that in the source code and recompile with different percentage should you wish to do so. There are binaries available for Linux and Windows ready for download and of course you will need to run the miner and configure depending on your mining hardware for best performance (there is autoconfig, but not the best performance).

For more information and to download and try the latest XMR-stak all-in-one miner solution…

The enterprise segment is constantly upgrading their hardware and this fuels the second hand market with interesting and very affordable yet pretty powerful hardware that can also be used for crypto mining. The latest wave of hardware getting replaced and available at a really affordable prices are the first generation of Intel 2011 E5 dual CPU Xeon workstations and servers. This means that you are able to easily acquire a very nicely priced second had server system with two 8-core processors such as Intel Xeon E5-2650 v1 getting 16 physical or 32 logical cores with Hyper Threading. The big question here however is if systems like that that may be acquired cheap are really worth using for crypto mining as they only come with a lot of CPU power, but no GPU capable of being used for mining as for server needs not much GPU power is required generally. We have picked up one such cheap systems off eBay with dual Xeon E5-2650 processors and put it through some benchmarks to gent a better idea on what to expect…

Currently it seems that the only worthwhile CPU-based algorithm to check is the CryptoNight and using the what seems to be the fastest CPU software available at the moment – the XMR-Stak CPU Miner for Monero (XMR). Running the XMR-Stak miner on all 32 logical cores has managed to get us an average hashrate of about 523 HS (hashes per second). The result may not seem that bad for CPU mining, considering that it is a bit slower than a single high-end GPU and the power used by the system is about 150 Watts, so again similar to a more recent higher-end GPU.

We need to run the numbers through an XMR mining calculator and doing just that on Cryptocompare shows that we are actually going to be mining with profit, but the profit isn’t going to be that much. With the current rate it would take a couple of years just to earn back what we have paid for the hardware itself. Not very interesting to CPU mine with such a system, but this is just at the moment, with some new and interesting developments for coins that are only CPU mineable appearing things might look very different… especially if you get a couple of these dual CPU systems to have handy. For the moment however you might want to check them out if you have some other computational needs than crypto mining as the price they can be acquired for is really attractive and again they are still pretty powerful as far as CPU performance goes.

Monero (XMR) has been rising up lately in terms of price and user interest and lately it even started rivaling the total market capitalization of Litecoin (LTC) as well as Ripple’s (XRP). In fact XMR, LTC and XRP and currently pretty close in terms of market capitalization and are seriously fighting for the 3rd place among the top crypto currencies in terms of market cap. With Ripple not mineable it is up to Litecoin and Monero to fight for the miners’ interest and Monero is doing much better lately when compared to Litecoin (ASIC mineable). Even with the availability of the new Innosilicon A4 ASICs being available for a while the interest in mining Litecoin hasn’t picked up much.

Monero (XMR) is gaining more interest however and people are getting back to mining it and trading it even more with new big exchanges such as Kraken adding XMR trading pairs as a result of the huge boom in the exchange rate of the altcoin. If you are interested in mining Monero and it is a coin you are still not very familiar with, then you can check a website dedicated for benchmarks with different hardware and miners to see what works best and what you can expect from your hardware. Also feel free to submit your own benchmark results as well…

To take a look at the website with GPU & CPU Benchmarks for Monero Mining…
