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If you are looking for a CPU miner with support for the RandomX mining algorithm that Monero (XMR) will be forking to you might want to try the latest XMRig miner. Apart from the RandomX algorithm it also supports two variations, namely the RandomWOW used by Wownero and RandomXL used by Loki, so that you can get actual performance on what hashrate to expect from your CPUs. If you need a pool where you can test the new RandomX algorithm you try the We remind you that currently AMD’s latest Ryzen CPUs do manage to offer the best performance in terms of hashrate. Also CPU performance of a higher-end processor for RandomX currently better than what you will most likely get from a single or even multiple GPU mining rig for the moment…

XMRig Algorithm names to use:
– rx/0 for RandomX (Monero)
– rx/wow for RandomWOW (Wownero)
– rx/loki for RandomXL (Loki)

To download and try the latest version of the XMRig CPU miner with RandomX support…

The latest CryptoNight AMD GPU miner SRBMiner 1.8.8 comes with a significantly reduced CPU usage of up to ~50% that can be noticed on CryptoNight algorithms with small scratchpad like UPX2 and Turtle for example. This can be helpful on GPU mining rigs where the CPUs are struggling to provide enough performance and as a side effect there could be a slight performance boost for RX cards on UPX2. The new version brings some usability and functionality changes as well to make the use of the miner easier and more problem free.

You can find the full changelog for the latest release quoted below. Do note that the developer fee is ~0.85% for both normal mode and algorithm switching mode as SRBMiner is a closed source miner available for AMD GPU miners only under Windows.

SRBMiner V1.8.8 Full Cangelog:
– Reduced CPU usage up to ~50%, can be noticed on algos with small scratchpad
– User is now informed about tweaking status on the screen too, not just in log
– No more --gpureorder, device ordering by bus id is now the default/only display mode
– Added parameter --watchdogrounds, which controls after how many rounds will watchdog trigger
– min_rig_speed_duration default is 1 minute now, because of the new --watchdogrounds parameter
– Fixed a few cosmetical things on web stats

For more information about the latest SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner V1.8.8…

The latest GMiner 1.36 miner comes with significantly decreased CPU usage for cuckoo cycle algorithms for Nvidia GPUs (up to 40%), so it should handle better on mining rigs with lower-end CPUs. The new version also has added adaptive CPU usage adjustment for cuckoo cycle algorithms (increase hashrate on weak CPUs), do note that the miner need a few minutes to adapt CPU usage on a weak CPU. There is also an added option to control the GPU intensity (--intensity, 1-100) with the default intensity being 100, but lowering it may be useful for some mining rigs that have stability problems with the highest intensity.

The GMiner miner requires an Nvidia GPU with CUDA compute capability 5.0 or later as well as CUDA 9.0 driver support, some algorithms are already supported on AMD GPUs as well (Cuckaroo29, Cuckoo29, Cuckaroo29s and Beam’s Equihash 150,5). Do note that GMiner is a closed source miner for Nvidia and AMD GPUs with binaries available for both Windows and Linux, also there is a 2% developer fee built-in the software.

To download and try the latest release of the Gminer v1.36 CUDA Equihash miner…
