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The latest T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner version 0.14.4 has also introduced support for the new X16Rv2 algorithm, just like the z-enemy 2.2 miner did (the algo that Ravencoin is forking to starting next month). Although the z-enemy miner was technically first with an official release, there was unofficial beta of t-rex 0.14.2 made available by the PEXA project a few days earlier with X16Rv2 support. Do note that you can already test X16Rv2 mining with PEXA Coin on mainnet and not only on pools that have implemented RVN testnet mining with the new X16Rv2 algorightm.

Performance wise it does seem that the T-Rex 0.14.4 miner offers similar or slightly faster hashrate compared to Z-Enemy 2.2 in most algorithm combinations on GTX 1080 Ti after a quick test, though it is best that you compare on your own mining hardware. Also T-Rex has implemented a new command line parameter that enables the miner to automatically switch to a new algorithm at user set fork time (example for RVN: --fork-at x16rv2=2019-10-01T16:00:00). Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner software with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed (the latest for CUDA 10+ support) as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are available in versions compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

There is a new fork of GRIN based on the MimbleWimble protocol called Epic Cash (EPIC) that has officially launched their blockchain a day or so ago. EPIC can be CPU, GPU, and ASIC-mined with 3 different algorithms available for each type of hardware and block rewards are distributed according to a schedule that balances wide distribution with long-term security. One of the main goals of the project is to offer high level of privacy to the users with a monetary policy very similar to that of Bitcoin (BTC). This includes a maximum supply of 21 million coins and a higher initial emission in order to reach and synchronize with Bitcoin in terms of available coins in a couple of years time frame. The so called Epic Singularity will happe in 2028 when the Epic circulating supply intersects the number of Bitcoin’s circulating supply, at which point Epic Cash adopts the Bitcoin block reward and halving pattern. Until then the starting block reward is 16 coins halving around every year initially and then around every two until it reaches a halving every 4 years.

The Epic Cash blockchain is initially available to CPU, GPU, and ASIC miners by using three respective hashing algorithms: RandomX, ProgPow, and CuckAToo31+ wih different percent distribution for each one starting with higher CPU advantage and slowly transitioning to GPUs and then ASICs. Since for the moment there are not publicly available CuckAToo31+ ASIC miners the algo is available for GPUs as well, however work is being done by multiple manufacturers and maybe by the end of this year or early next year such devices might become available on the market (optimistically speaking). So far, so good the project looks interesting and promising, though not everything seems to be that great for non-advanced users interested in mining EPIC. If you are looking for a crypto exchange where you can trade EPIC, then you can head on to Citex.

First of all EPIC can currently be only solo mined and since it is based on GRIN codebase, just like GRIN it is not that user friendly running and mining it. LINUX users have a better advantage as for example the CUDA GPU miner is not officially available for Windows yet and the OpenCL one is giving trouble and using third party ProgPow miners for solo mining the coin is also a kind of a challenge with no pool available yet. CPU mining is working pretty well with the available miner, but solo mining with the already high difficulty could be a challenge for most users to mine even one block. mining pools should be coming out shortly with talk about icemining probably being the first on the train, though nothing official about that yet.

If you are interested in checking out more details about the Epic Cash (EPIC) project…

The Ravencoin Dev team has now confirmed the upcoming algorithm changes to the new X16Rv2 algorithm planned to happen on Tuesday October 1st 2019 at 16:00:00 UTC. The new X16Rv2 will have the algorithm Tiger into three separate parts of the current X16R algo with the Tiger hash performed before the algorithms Luffa512, Keccak512, and SHA512. A new build should be made available this week or at the beginning of the next (version 2.5.0) that will have the algorithm switch in it. The new build will also be fixing some bugs, and adding some improvements into the Ravencoin Core Client. It is recommended that all users/nodes update to 2.5.0 as soon as it becomes available even though there is more than a month before the algorithm switch. Meanwhile GPU miners interested in continuing to mine RVN with the new X16Rv2 algorithm should monitor heir favorite mining software as support for the new algo is being announced in upcoming updates…
