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Using the CPU or the central processing unit of your computer to mine crypto currency is pretty much considered outdated nowadays with the only exception being mining new altcoins that are CPU only. If you are interested to find out what hashrate you can expect to get from a powerful multi-core CPU at the moment with come of the more popular crypto algorithms in order to compare to your AMD Radeon 280X GPU or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti for example, you might want to look at the results we got below. They are achieved using the cpuminer-multi fork on an Intel Core i7 5820K processor (6 core with HT or 12 logical cores) running at default operating frequency (non-overclocked).

Algorithm – Hashrate:
Scrypt – 129 KHS
Scrypt:N – 26.2 KHS
Sha256d – 10.7 MHS
Blake – 18024 KHS
Cryptonight – 192.7 HS
Fresh – 487.2 KHS
Lyra2 – 744.8 KHS
Neoscrypt – 22.2 KHS
Qubit – 488 KHS
Quark – 664.8 KHS
X11 – 308.1 KHS
X13 – 211.4 KHS
X14 – 202.6 KHS
X15 – 194.4 KHS

The cpuminer-multi fork that we used for the test does support more algorithms than those that we tested with, we’ve skipped some because it is hard to find operational pools or even alive crypto coins to use some of them. So we did not test all of the algorithms such as S3, NIST5, Pentablake and a few others that are supported by the software miner. Use these numbers as a reference only for comparing to GPU mining hardware as you probably will not want to use your CPU to mine with on these algorithms anyway. The only exception being Lyra2RE, because this algorithm does provide a very decent hashrate on the CPU as compared to what you can get with a GPU miner.


We haven’t talked about crypto coins that are mineable with only CPU and do not have a GPU or ASIC miners lately, but with the not so attractive options for GPU ans ASIC mining lately people are starting to look for some CPU coins again. Looking around through the more recent launches that still remain CPU only one coin catches our attention, it is called Coin Magi (XMG). This crypto coin has been available for a few months already and thanks to the use of a new algorithm called M7M (improved version of the M7) it still remains a CPU only coin. The coin uses a hybrid proof of work and proof of stake algorithm and a block rewarding system to enable fairness in the distribution of coins among miners. By removing the competitive nature of mining, the XMG tries to offer an even playing field for anyone looking to mine currencies without the need to own expensive mining hardware.

The Coin Magi (XMG) is already quite developed and is supported by multiple exchanges, has numerous pools and even a multipool where you can mine other coins and get paid in XMG, there is currently an ongoing effort for introducing a PayPal-like payment system to use XMG called MagiPay. It is not too late to join the party if you have some spare CPU power, though there are a little over 5000 blocks left in the PoW phase of the coin before it enters the PoS stage. Even if you do not have enough CPU power to try mining yourself, you can rent some M7M hashrate for mining XMG from Mining Rig Rentals where currently we see 18 rigs available selling hashrate for the M7M algorithm.


Block Explorer / Crawler:

Coin Specifications

  • M7M (v2) PoW Algorithm
  • Total supply: 25 million XMG coins
  • Block time: 3 minutes
  • MagiQuantumWave (MQW) difficulty adjustment per block
  • Proof of Staking II (PoW-II) Algorithm
  • PoS Interest rate – network weight dependent with maximum 5%
  • PoS Block time: 1.5 minutes
  • PoS Block hash: SHA256
  • PoS Maturity: 120

Online Staking Wallet

Source Code:
at GitHub

– RPC Port: 8232
– P2P Port: 8233

Mining Pools:

Coin Exchanges:


If you have some spare CPU power for mining various GPU mineable algorithms along with the GPU mining rigs and use the generated heat to keep you warm at home this winter, then you might want to check out the new cpuminer fork from Tanguy Pruvot (source). This fork has support not only for the common ASIC mineable SHA256d and Scrypt algorithms that you don’t need to bother with on a CPU anyway, but also for many other algorithms such as X11, X13, X14, X15, Cryptonight, Fresh, Blake, Neoscrypt and others. The performance you can get from a single CPU is nowhere near that a GPU can generate, but still if you manage to mine enough to partially cover the electricity used and use the heat generated from the CPU to keep you warm in the winter it might not be that bad… especially if you use the available CPU power of any GPU mining rigs that you are utilizing already.

To download the latest Windows binary of the cpuminer-multi fork with multiple algorithms support…
