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We have not released binary updates of the cpuminer-multi CPU miner fork from tpruvot with multiple algorithms support (source), so here is an up to date version compiled for Windows. This is the most functional fork of cpuminer that comes with support for the largest number of algorithms and a lot of optimizations for them to get the most performance out of your CPU. Do note however that some dedicated forks of cpuminer for a specific algorithm may still provide better performance, but if you want flexible solution with many algorithms supported then cpuminer-multi is the choice. We have compiled an up to date Windows binary from the latest source that comes with some fixes and improvements for various algorithms as well as support for some new algorithms such as bastion, scrypt-jane, sib and yescrypt. If you have some spare CPU power that you want to use for mining then this is the miner you’ll need, do note that we have compiled our Windows binary with Visual Studio 2013 and for 64-bit Windows.

To download the latest Windows binary of the cpuminer-multi fork with multiple algorithms support…


Even though most people are either GPU mining or using specialized ASIC miners for most crypto coins, there are still some that are only CPU mineable or at least are worth CPU mining even if they do come with a GPU miner as well. Since we are getting questions what crypto coin to mine if you have some spare CPU power available, we have compiled a short list of coins that you might want to check out. Do note that with a single CPU you will most likely not earn much mining any CPU coin, but if you have multiple CPUs available along with free electricity the outcome might be better…

Crypto coins to check for CPU mining:
Boolberry (BBR)
Coin Magi (XMG)
Cryptonite (XCN)
DigitalNote (XDN)
Monero (XMR)

The list is alphabetically ordered are there are a few other CPU coins available as well besides the ones listed above, many of these based on the CryptoNight algorithm used by XMR and some others as well, so if you are interested you can dig a bit more into the alternatives. Alternatively you can look for new coin launches that only come with CPU mining, these can be profitable to mine initially as well.


NiceHash has released an updated version of their Axiom CPU Miner Launcher that provides a simple and easy GUI for running the optimized cpuminer-multi fork (source). The new releases apparently includes optimizations from sandor111 that further increases the performance for mining Axiom on CPU. Compared to the previous version from about a month ago we are seeing about 90% increase in performance on an Intel Core i7 5820K processor and apparently AVX2-capable CPUs seem to have the highest performance increase, though older processors will also get increased hashrate. So if you are mining Axiom on CPU you might want to try the updated miner with GUI to ease the mining on NiceHash and get paid directly in Bitcoin.

To download the latest Windows binaries of the optimized cpuminer and launcher with Axiom algorithm support…
