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There is now a new fork of ccMiner for Nvidia GPU miners available that adds support for X13 mining (this is not an official release). The fork of ccMiner by tsiv (source) adds X13 support with a performance that is just a bit lower than what Nvidia GPUs are offering in terms of X11 mining hashrate, though the hashrate could probably be further improved with some optimizations. We have compiled a windows binary of the new ccMiner fork with X13 support that you can download from the link below and try it yourself or you can compile it from source yourself. Our tests are showing that with it we are getting a hashrate of about 1700 KHS on an Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti video card and 3300 KHS on a GeForce GTX 780 Ti (non-overclocked cards).

Do note that the windows binary you can download below is compiled for Compute 3.0, Compute 3.5 and Compute 5.0 cards (32-bit version only), so it will not work on older cards. If you are unsure what version of Compute does your video card support check the included GPU Compute Capabilities List file. It is also compiled with Visual Studio 2012, so if you do not already have Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 you will have to download and install it, otherwise you may be getting error for a missing DLL library.

To download the ccMiner 1.0 beta fork with X13 mining support for Windows OS…


If you are mining crypto currencies using Nvidia-based graphic cards such as the very popular new GeForce GTX 750 Ti or other models you might want to check out the recently launched forum called CudaMiners. Since the forum is still very new there is not that much information, but it is more focused and you should be able to easily find help on Nvidia mining questions and problems and also keep up to date on new developments easier. The forum has a dedicated section for CudaMiner, the most used GPU miner for Nvidia CUDA-capable hardware and you can even find its author Christian Buchner (cbuchner1) posting in that forum as well. So do bookmark this website and keep an eye out if you are using Nvdia GPUs for crypto mining.

To visit the new CudaMiners forum dedicated to Nvidia GPU crypto currency mining…


Christian Buchner, the author of the CudaMiner software for mining popular alternative crypto currencies on Nvidia-based GPUs has just released another software called CCminer that is intended to support CUDA GPU mining for Heavycoin (HVC) and Fuguecoin (FC). The GPU miner for Nvidia seems to be offering better performance than the recently released AMD GPU miner for HVC. We have compiled a x86/x64 windows binary from the source code with Compute 3.5 capability and with Visual Studio 2012 (if you are getting errors when running about missing Dll file you may need to download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012).

The performance we are getting on a GeForce GTX 750 Ti card with no overclock is about 4 MHS (4000 KHS) and on a GeForce GTX 780 Ti we get about 10.5 MHS (10500 KHS) with no overclock and raised power limiter to 106%. So if you have a few Nvidia-based GPUs you might want to try mining Heavycoin for a bit with them while the HVC exchange rate is still decent and with some AMD GPU miners getting away from HVC mining. In our experience the 64-bit version of the miner does give less shale shares (less booos) as compared to the x86 binary, though not much difference in performance in terms of hashrate between the two.

Download the CCminer Nvidia GPU Miner with HEFTY1 and Fugu256 Support for Windows…
