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There is now a new fork of sph-sgminer by djm34 optimized for higher performance for the NIST5 algorithm used by Talkcoin (source) that relies on the same kernel optimization method used by the x11mod fork by lasybear. This new fork of sgminer does improve significantly the performance you can get and our tests have shown that with it we are getting about 7 MHS hashrate mining TalkCoin (TAC) on Radeon R9 280X up from about 4 MHS with the previously available sgminer for TalkCoin that we have tried. We have compiled a windows binary from the source, so you can download and try it yourself as well and you might want to be fast while the price of TAC is still quite high.

You can download sgminer 4.1.0 with optimized NIST5 support for Windows OS here…


It seems that there is now an alternative to the official cgminer 3.1.1 with Zeus support in the form of a new fork of bfgminer that adds support for ZeusMiner’s Scrypt ASICs (source). This fork is compatible with GAWMiners and Hashra Zeus-based Scrypt ASICs as well and it pretty much uses the same options as the official cgminer, but comes with support for many more features since it is based off the latest version of bfgminer. Below you can find a windows binary of the bfgminer 4.1.99 that you can try, just make sure to set the right number of chips depending on your miner model as well as the virtual COM port at which the miner is detected. The best operating frequency still seems to be 328 MHz for most people as a good balance in terms of performance and HW error rate, though you are welcome to play with it.

You can download the new bfgminer 4.1.99 ZeusMiner binaries for Windows OS here…


We are currently testing two Zeus-based Scrypt ASIC miners and since they do require a special miner software with support for the chips, we are providing the latest version of the miner with the source code. It is a modified version of cgminer 3.1.1, a bit old version already, that has the Icarus driver modified to work with the Zeus ASIC hardware, but this is all we have for the moment. You need to set the operating frequency and the number of chips of the ASIC miner you use as command line parameters, for example a 300 MHz frequency seems to be the default one and the ZeusMiner Blizzard has 6 chips. You can check the Readme file and also find an example bat file for running the GAWMiners Falcon Scrypt ASIC that has 128 chips and is recommended to be used with a frequency of 328 MHz and is getting you about 27 MHS hashrate.

The ZeusMiner Scrypt ASIC miners and the miners sold by GAWMiners and HASHRA that are based on Zeus ASIC chips do rely on a virtual USB to COM driver, so you may need to download and install the latest Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers. After that you need to see what is the number of the virtual COM port of the ASIC device from the Device Manager of the computer and set that port as a command line parameter.

You can download the cgminer 3.1.1 with ZeusMiner Scrypt ASIC support for Windows OS here…
