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Apple’s MacOS computers aren’t really a popular choice as far as GPU mining is concerned, but for CPU mining they may still be usable… if you manage to find a miner with a MacOS binary build or if you manage to compile it yourself. So how about mining RandomX, a variation of the RandomX algorithm? You will quickly find out that neither of the popular RandomX CPU miners such as XMRig, SRBMiner-Multi and XMR-STAK-RX have a MacOS binary available and you may have some hard time compiling one yourself. Fortunately there is a solution available, at least for XMRig where a user has made a MacOS build of the latest XMRig 5.11.0 that may be exactly what you need if you have an Apple computer you ant to try CPU mining with.

To download and try mining RandomX on using the latest XMRig 5.11.0 MacOS Build…

Evolution (EVOX) and Morelo (MRL) are two relatively new crypto projects that both use the RandomARQ algorithm first introduced by ArQmA (ARQ) for mining (variation of RandomX). What is interesting about this algorithm is that it is more balanced in terms of CPU performance between Intel and AMD, unlike the standard RandomX algorithm where the latest AMD Ryzen processors are doing significantly better. So if you have some Intel CPUs that you want to use for mining you might want to get more details about those two projects, of course AMD users, especially with Ryzen processors might also check them out. What we don’t seem to like that much about both projects however is that apparently the majority of hashrate (over 95%) is centralized in a single Chinese pool called Walemo, and this is definitely not that good. As far as mining software is concerned, RandomARQ is widely supported by most popular RandomX miners out there such as XMRig, SRBMiner-Multi and XMR-STAK-RX.

Coinevo (EVO) is another crypto project forked from Monero that is based on the RandomX algorithm, though using its own variation called RandomEVO that you might be interested in checking out if you have some spare CPU power to throw at mining something relatively new. Do note that although EVO is a PoW coin it apparently also supports Masternodes and about 2/3 of the block reward goes to the nodes and 1/3 to the miner. You need to use a dedicated fork of XMRig (XMRig-EVO) in order to mine Coinevo as the specific algorithm is not widely supported as some of the other variants of RandomX.

There is an official EVO mining pool as well as another alternative EVO mining pool with more hashrate available, though the majority of the hashrate seems to be from solo mining apparently (in general not a lot of hashrate). There is an exchange called EREX, a very low volume crypto exchange not much EVO trading going on. Performance wise the RandomEVO algorithm is doing better on AMD Ryzen than on Intel CPUs, here is a comparison of what hashrate you can expect to see: about 2850 H/s on Intel Core i7 6850K (6C-12T) and about 9800 H/s on AMD Ryzen 3900X (12C-24T).

For more information about the Coinevo (EVO) crypto project using the RandomEVO algo…
