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Back in September with the release of the new Maxwell-based NVidia GPUs, the GTX 970 and GTX 980 we did some performance testing of the GeForce GTX 980 hashrate using the available at that time ccMiner and CudaMiner miners. Today, a bit over two months later we’ve decided to check how hings have progressed in terms of performance improvements of the various crypto mining algorithms with the latest optimizations available in ccMiner. We’ve used the just posted Maxwell-optimized ccMiner 1.5-git ccMiner fork from SP to get the performance results from the same GTX 980 GPU running at stock frequencies (overclocking can further increase performance).


There is no surprise that there are some significant performance improvements in various crypto algorithms that have been achieved using various optimizations, but to our surprise there ware a few algorithms that did perform worse. The results we got from Groestl, HEFTY1 and JHA were a bit lower with the latest ccMiner than what we got in terms of performance back in September. Some other algorithms also don’t seem to have very big performance improvements such as Keccak, Luffa512 or NIST5, but the more popular and still profitable to mine algorithms do come with nice improvements. You can thank for the increase in performance to all of the developers that continue to work actively and optimize the performance out of which SP and tpruvot seem to be the most active lately, djm34, tsiv as well as others who have contributed code and also Christian Buchner and Christian H. – the creators of the ccMiner in the first place. Their code contributions and efforts in releasing their work publicly deserve some appreciation from the miners who are using Nvidia GPUs in order to keep them motivated. Below you can find the official donation addresses where you can send some coins for a beer or more to the each of the developers:

DRK: XeVrkPrWB7pDbdFLfKhF1Z3xpqhsx6wkH3
NEOS: NaEcVrdzoCWHUYXb7X8QoafoKS9UV69Yk4
XST: S9TqZucWgT6ajZLDBxQnHUtmkotCEHn9z9

DRK: XdgfWywdxABwMdrGUd2xseb6CYy1UKi9jX

BTC: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze

SPR: SfSEcVQGhbXvPQ2hkTj3vxSd9PEZA12efa

BTC: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM


SpreadCoin (SPR) is not a new coin, but it was a mine-able only with CPU up until yesterday when an AMD GPU miner was released and today the coin also got an Nvidia GPU miner that is apparently much faster than the AMD one. The AMD OpenCL miner is available on the official SpreadCoin GitHub page (source) and there is a compiled windows binary available on the official coin website. You can get the spreadminer for Nvidia GPUs thanks to tsiv who created it (source), there is an official windows binary release for Compute 3.0 to 5.2 GPUs available on his GitHub page as well that you can download and use directly.

SpreadCoin uses SpreadX11 algorithm and does not use mining pools, you can only solo mine the coin, so you need to make sure that you have created spreadcoin.conf file with the required settings to be able to connect the miner to the wallet running on one of your computers. The config file needs to be placed in the Users\ YOURUSERNAME \AppData\Roaming\SpreadCoin folder and named spreadcoin.conf and then you need to restart the wallet, also make sure that you have downloaded the block information before trying to run a miner. You can find an example settings for the config file below if you haven’t solo mined yet and this will be the first coin that you try and don’t forget to set the username and password in the miner config to be the same and also allow any additional IP addresses or a range that will be connecting to the wallet:


For the moment you would probably want to try out the coin if you have an Nvidia GPUs as they are performing much better in terms of hashrate than what you can get on AMD GPUs. On a stock Radeon R9 280X we managed to get just about 800 KHS using the official OpenCL miner and with the Nvidia CUDA miner on a GTX 750 Ti card we easily got over 1400 KHS, trying it out on a GTX 980 we’ve managed to squeeze close to 4500 KHS. So if you have some Nvidia GPUs, especially Maxwell-based cards you might want to mine some SpreadCoins while the difficulty is not way too high to be worth mining with one or just a few cards. Also do not forget that with solo mining luck plays an important role as well and you might get lucky and find more blocks in short time or not and wait more for little blocks, so give the miners some time.

For more information about SpreadCoin check the official announcement thread on Bitcointalk…


There is now a new fork of ccMiner for Nvidia GPU miners available that adds support for X13 mining (this is not an official release). The fork of ccMiner by tsiv (source) adds X13 support with a performance that is just a bit lower than what Nvidia GPUs are offering in terms of X11 mining hashrate, though the hashrate could probably be further improved with some optimizations. We have compiled a windows binary of the new ccMiner fork with X13 support that you can download from the link below and try it yourself or you can compile it from source yourself. Our tests are showing that with it we are getting a hashrate of about 1700 KHS on an Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti video card and 3300 KHS on a GeForce GTX 780 Ti (non-overclocked cards).

Do note that the windows binary you can download below is compiled for Compute 3.0, Compute 3.5 and Compute 5.0 cards (32-bit version only), so it will not work on older cards. If you are unsure what version of Compute does your video card support check the included GPU Compute Capabilities List file. It is also compiled with Visual Studio 2012, so if you do not already have Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 you will have to download and install it, otherwise you may be getting error for a missing DLL library.

To download the ccMiner 1.0 beta fork with X13 mining support for Windows OS…
