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Sgminer 4.1.0 is another Scrypt GPU miner that is based off the latest cgminer version 3.7.2 that had support for Scrypt GPU mining as all of the later versions of the cgminer support only ASIC mining hardware for SHA-256 and Bitcoin. Sgminer 4.1.0 is very similar to cgminer 3.7.2, though there are some interface changes and also there are some extra features such as multiple experimental kernels to play with as well as some of the features found in the cgminer 3.7.3 kalroth edition such as xintensity and rawintensity modes besides the standard intensity mode form cgminer. If you are interested in trying out something different you might want to play with sgminer as it has some other useful features that are not available in the standard cgminer, the download link for the windows version is available below.

You can download sgminer 4.1.0 with Scrypt GPU suppor for Windows OS here…


Ultracoin was made by people who just love crypto, and think this is a welcome addition to the coin family. The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code. Ultracoin can be mined with a CPU and also with a GPU with ASIC resistant Scrypt Jane coding you can feel at ease, You won’t be surpassed by new hardware technology. A hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of-stake coin, whereby active nodes are involved in the mining of blocks if they hold UTC. Wallet encryption allows you to secure your wallet, so that you can view transactions and your account balance, but are required to enter your password before spending Ultracoins. This provides protection from wallet-stealing viruses and trojans as well as a sanity check before sending payments.


Block Explorer / Crawler


  • Scrypt-jane Algorithm
  • Pow/Pos
  • Total coins: 100,000,000
  • Block time target: 30 seconds
  • Block reward: 50, halving every 990,000 blocks
  • Difficulty retarget:max 200% per 30mins
  • Mined block confirmation: 50
  • Transaction confirmation: 5


Source Code
at GitHub

GPU miner for Windows
GPU miner for Linux
CPU miner


  • RPC Port: 44101
  • P2P Port: 44100




BTCGuild is one of the top 3 Bitcoin mining pools and they just announced that they’ve launched a scrypt mining pool for alternative crypto currencies. Though the new site called ScryptGuild is still in Alpha stage and being tested, you could request to be one of the people to try it out first if you are interested. BTC Guild has proven as a reliable pool for Bitcoin and offers an easy and user friendly interface, so translating this to a Scrypt mining pool will be a good thing for everyone mining Litecoins and other scrypt crypto currencies. Below is the official announcement from BTC Guild:

After the ASIC revolution in 2013, many users have repurposed their graphics cards for mining on Scrypt-based coins. After significant consideration, BTC Guild has launched a new service, ScryptGuild.

ScryptGuild is currently in alpha testing, and welcoming new users to help test out the continuous features being added. While it is called “Alpha”, the mining side of things is solid, built upon the same backend as BTC Guild, a custom C++ server.

You can find out how to join ScryptGuild by going into our IRC channel, #scryptguild on Freenode IRC network.
