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The amazon money counter machine is a great tool for business owners, because it will count large amounts of money very easy and most important will give you the amounts counted correctly with zero errors.
TradingView – one of the most widely used charting platform by traders worldwide, not only crypto traders, has started charting the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19. As a response to the ongoing global health crisis affecting millions of people worldwide in over 150 countries the new COVID-19 charts add ways to show the extent of the emergency through data visualization. Drawing on real-time data collected by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University there is now a dashboard of lightweight charts, showing the number of infections, deaths and recoveries, broken down by country.

There are also a number of coronavirus tickers available now on TradingView, so you will now be able to add COVID-19 stats (both global and for a specific country) right on the platform and manipulate the data how you like. For example, you’ll be able to plot the rate of infection in America against the S&P 500 Index. You can find all the symbols related to the virus outbreak if you start typing COVID19: into the symbol search bar. These include the number of confirmed cases, people who have recovered and deaths for each country, plus the total number of all case types across the world. Regardless if you want it or not, global pandemics such as the current coronavirus COVID-19 cause panic in people and markets and traders do take up opportunities like these to make more money. If you handle a lot of money and need to count large amounts of money, the best option is to use a money counter to ensure that the amount is correct.

To check out TradingView and start charting and trading on COVID-19 data and financial market data…

The recent controversy surrounding STEEM and the Seemit project after it has been acquired by Justin Sun, followed by a decision of a large group of Steem community members to fork it to an independent project has been made and it is now a fact – meet HIVE. Today HIVE was born forking from STEEM carrying on most of the current state of the STEEM blockchain, but also becoming totally independent after the fork. Aside from the content and users at the point of time the blockchain snapshot has been made, their STEEM balances have been transferred to HIVE as 1:1 ratio with exchanges trading STEEM hopefully going t be doing the same, especially if they do plan to support HIVE.

There are currently over 30 experienced developers contributing to the new ecosystem, alongside many committed community members working on multiple aspects of Hive. These individuals may announce their participation through their own accounts in the future. This a true community effort, and therefore is open to all. Hive will remain open source, and open to everyone who wants to contribute to the future development of the blockchain.

If you had a STEEM account prior to the fork happening today,then most likely you will have a HIVE account as well, you can login in both platforms to check and also confirm your content and coin holdings are there as well. From now on, if you register at either of the platforms you will have an account only on one of them, you need to register on both to be able to use them as they are going their separate ways after the successful fork. If you need a places to trade HIVE coins, you can head on to Bittrex and Binance.

If you want to check out the new Hive Blog frontend of the HIVE blockchain…

The CureCoin (CURE) is not the only project that gives you the chance to earn crypto coins while using your CPU/GPU mining hardware for helping Folding@Home in their efforts to fight the Coronavirus COVID-19. Another project that has a similar feature is Banano (BAN) via their BananoMiner website, though they do offer other ways to earn BAN coins as well, so not only by folding proteins with Folding@Home.

We have already covered how you can Help Folding@Home COVID-19 Efforts With Your Crypto Mining Rigs completely free and anonymously. You need to start by downloading, installing and running the Folding@Home client software for your operating system. Then when asked if you want to fold Anonymous or want to set up an identity, you need to choose the second and head to the dedicated BananoMiner website where you need to input your BAN wallet address and as a result you will get a unique Username and a Team ID (should always be 234980), these two you need for your F@H client in order to be credited coins based on the amount of work you do folding proteins. It is also good to register an identity (the username you got from Banano Miner) in order to get a password as it may help you earn some extra bonus points, though not a requirement to make tings work.

Make sure that you enter the username you got when registering your wallet on Banano Miner as well as the correct Folding@Home Team number in the respective fields, also if you registered your identity you need to enter the password you got from F@H. This is required so that your FAH points will be credited to the right Banano Team’s total and that you would be getting your rewards. Save the settings and start Folding away with your available CPU and/or GPU resources. This is all you need to do to start earning Banano (BAN) crypto coins while you are folding proteins and helping the fight against the Coronavirus COVID-19. You might need to wait some hours or a day before any coins will be credited for he work you do folding proteins, so better check your results in a day after you start. Don’t expect to earn lot though, you are doing this for the common good or at least should be, the BAN coins you get are just to help you cover some of your electricity costs. Banano (BAN) is a smaller in terms of market cap and daily volume compared to Curecoin (CURE), but is also an active project, so you might want to check more details about it as well. Some good crypto exchanges that support trading Banano (BAN) coins include Citex and Txbit.
