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Earlier this month GPU miners for Yescrypt getting released for AMD and Nvidia GPUs were released thanks to the work of djm34. These miners however still seem to be slower in terms of performance when compared to CPU mining for Yescrypt, so we’ve decided to give a quick test on what some up to date CPU and GPU hardware is capable of in terms of performance. There are two coins that rely on Yescrypt at the moment, these are GlobalBoost-Y (BSTY) and Unitus (UIS), though UIS is a multi-algorithm altcoin. Below you can download the CPU miner for mining Yescrypt that we’ve used for the tests and as for the GPU miners, we have already published them here on the website – the djm34 fork of ccMiner and sgminer with Yescrypt support as well as the latest ccMiner fork from SP.

Performance results for Yescrypt:
– Intel Core i7 5820K CPU: 5.22 KHS
– AMD Radeon R9 280X GPU: 0.793 KHS
– Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 GPU: 1.124 KHS

To download the cpuminer fork with best performance for CPU mining Yescrypt on Windows OS…


If you are using AMD Radeon-based video cards for mining crypto currencies you have probably noticed that some algorithms have issues with various video driver versions or the performance you get may differ between older and newer version. Since the AMD miners use OpenCL there is an easy solution that can help you deal with driver version issues and to get the optimum hashrate for a specific algorithm. There is not need to reinstall the complete video driver, you can just copy the OpenCL DLLs from the respective driver version inside the same folder where the software miner is (cgminer or sgminer) and when you run the miner it will load the different OpenCL version, regardless of what video driver you have installed. Do note that you need to delete the compiled kernel BIN file for the respective algorithm or algorithms when replacing the OpenCL DDL files in order to get the kernel recompiled with the different version. You can download the different AMD Radeon drivers OpenCL version 13.12, 14.4, 14.6 RC2, 14.8, 14.9 and 14.12 in a single package from the link below and try out what performance you will get by replacing the DLL files inside the miner software’s folder.

To download and try AMD OpenCL DLL files from different drivers for Windows OS…


The Supcoin (SUP) is a new altcoin that has just recently launched as a CPU only coin using a new algorithm called PLUCK, but it has quickly gotten a ccMiner fork from djm34 (source) adding support for GPU mining on Nvidia-based GPUs. The ccMiner fork with Pluck support for mining Supcoin (SUP) is available for download below, it is compiled for Compute 3.0 or newer Nvidia-based graphics cards, so it will not work on older. We have taken the ccMiner for a quick test to tee what hashrate you can expect to get from it and compare it to what the Pluck CPU miner from Wolf0 currently provides in terms of hashrate. There is still no AMD GPU miner available, but most likely we are going to soon seen one available considering that the algorithm was quickly ported on Nvidia it is apparently not very GPU resistant. The results cited below are for the hardware (CPU and GPU) running at their stock frequencies with no additional user overclock, do note that only the GTX 960 is an ASUS Strix card that is factory overclocked.

CPU miner hashrate:

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition (6-core) – 0.78 KH/s
Intel Core i7-5820K Processor (6-core with HT) – 1.2 KH/s

Nvidia GPU miner hashrate:

Nvidia GTX 750 Ti – 1.89 KH/s (with throughput 3)
Nvidia GTX 960 – 3.38 KH/s (with throughput 3)
Nvidia GTX 980 – 5.25 KH/s (with throughput 3.5)

To download and try the djm34 ccMiner fork for Nvidia GPU mining Pluck algorithm coins…
