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The service offering users to sell their hashrate or rent mining rigs MiningRigRentals has added support for people willing to sell their hashrate in the form of Blake-256 and X13 as well as an option for people to rent minign rigs for mining crypto coins using these algorithms such as BlakeCoin or MaruCoin for example. Of course the service offers the quite popular at the moment X11 mining rigs as well as Scrypt, Scrypt-N and Sha-256, though these can also be found on other alternative services. If you are mining X11 or X13 algorithm coins or are willing to sell your hashrate in the service for example make sure that you are using the latest miners that offer the highest possible performance that were released in the last few days. Currently there are still not many rigs available for renting for Blake-256 mining, but since the interest in this algorithm is growing due to the recent merged mining support for BlakeCoin along with 4 other cryptos you might want to consider renting your hashrate for that algorithm. Though the interest in X11 and X13 mining at the moment also gives a good chance for people that are willing to rent their hashrate, as well as for people that want to rent some extra hashrate to get early on new coin launches with more hashrate.

For more information about the Mining Rig Rentals service for renting crypto mining rigs…


We just got a word from GAWMiners that they have started shipping their Week 1 pre-orders to customers. The people that were early enough to place a pre-order for the GAW Miners’s Srypt ASICs that are based around the 55nm Zeus chips should be getting their tracking numbers already and should start receiving their miners in the next few days. Currently there are pre-orders going on for Week 3 delivery that is scheduled to start at around 9th June, so if you are interested in the GAWMiners Scrypt miners you can still order now and get yours pretty soon.


GAWMiners’ Scrypt ASICs include the 1 MHS+ Fury, 13 MHS+ Black Widow, 27 MHS+ Falcon and the 54 MHS+ War Machine starting with a price of $149.95 USD for the smallest unit and going up to $5,899.95 USD for the fastest model. There is also another option and that is to get your new miners hosted. The hosting service increases the price of the miner with $100 USD and there is a 2.5% maintenance fee of your total hashing power. The good thing about the hosting service is that you can at each time get your miner shipped to you should you decide to and the shipping will be free. So this could turn up to be a nice alternative to cloud mining services and we do plan to test the service and write a review on what you can expect from it.


It seems the miners use a modified version of cgminer with support for the Zeus ASIC chips. Though apart from the smallest Fury miner (not available as a hosted option) all other miners do come with a controller (ZenController by ZenMiner), so there is no need to have them connected directly to a PC. It seems that the miners will be easily overclockable through the command line of the miner, though it would be interesting to see how much higher will they be able to go. Also voltage modification might be a possibility as 55nm chips can handle overvoltage well, though you should also mind the power usage.

Visit GAWMiners for more information about the Scrypt ASIC miners they are offering…


The Blakecoin (BLC) crypto currency seems to be advancing very fast on the merged mining front as the developer of the coin is constantly adding new coins to be merged mined along the main one. There are already 4 additional crypto coins that are being merge mined – Photon, BlakeBitcoin, Dirac and Electron and apparently even more are coming soon. All of these coins use the Blake-256 algorithm and need a specific miner with support for it, you can find the required software below. Most of them are already available for trading on some markets, though still not that many and the total network hashrate has been steadily growing along with the increased interest in these coins thanks to the merged mining support.

Blake-256 Algorithm GPU miners:
Cgminer 3.7.2 with Blake-256 support for AMD
Cgminer 3.1.1 with Blake-256 support for AMD
CudaMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia
ccMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia

Pools for Merged Mining of Blake-256 coins:

Exchanges for trading Blake-256 coins:
Atomic Trade
