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YACoin has started as a CPU mining coin, but now as with many other cryptos there is no point in mining it with anything less than a GPU. YACoin requires special miner software for OpenCL mining and it is called yacminer, a miner based around cgminer and designed for mining specifically YACoin with its Scrypt-jane algorithm. This miner software is intended for use on AMD GPU mining systems, for Nvidia GPU mining you better go for CUDAminer. As you can see from the screenshot above currently the hashrate you can get from a Radeon R9 280X GPU mining YACoin is not that high compared to some other cryptos, but that is due to the specifics of the algorithm being used here. Also note that the Intensity value is low, you need to keep it lower than you normally would mining other cryptos as higher value may start giving you HW errors. Below you can find the download link for the latest version of yacminer 3.4.2-yac2 for Windows.

You can download yacminer 3.4.2-yac2 for GPU Mining YACoin for Windows OS here…


Blakecoin is a experimental cryptographic digital currency that enables payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Blakecoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing coins are carried out collectively by the network.

Blakecoin (BLC) uses Blake-256 (optimized) faster than Scrypt, SHA-256D and Keccak algorithm and thus provides much faster hashrate from the same hardware as compared to the other alternatives. The algorithm was written as a candidate for SHA-3, based on round one candidate code from the Sphlib 2.1 library and reduced the round function to 8 rounds. BLC can currently be mined with both CPU, GPU and FPGA, though GPU mining is the best option at the moment for AMD graphics card owners. Blakecoin (BLC) requires a special miner software!

The Blake-256 algorithm hash rate is just under 3x faster on the GPU and just over 2x on the FPGA compared with Bitcoin. So for example with a Radeon R9 280X you can expect to get a hashrate of about 2-2.5 GH/s or more when mining Blackecoin. The reward for mining Blakecoin does Not decrease over time it only increases with block height and difficulty. Block reward is 25 coin + inflation (square root of (difficulty * block height)) and the total of 7 Billion coins will be mined.


Block Explorer / Crawler


  • Blake-256 (optimized) Algo, faster than Scrypt and SHA-256D
  • Block reward is 25 coin + inflation (square root of (difficulty * block height))
  • No reduction of block reward
  • Cap in place to reduce the difficulty jumps upwards
  • Block target time is 3 minutes and retargets every 20 blocks
  • Total of 7 Billion coins
  • Block maturity 120 (+20 buffer 140 Total)


Blake-256 Algorithm GPU miners:
Cgminer 3.7.2 with Blake-256 support for AMD
Cgminer 3.1.1 with Blake-256 support for AMD
CudaMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia
ccMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia

Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 8772


Atomic Trade


If you are really willing to squeeze every little bit of performance for mining crypto coins with your available hardware you should be aware of the fact that you can also use the most recent Intel integrated graphics cards for mining too. The latest generation of integrated Intel graphics does support OpenCL 1.2 and thus can give you some extra hashrate that is more than yo can get alone out of the CPU only. Note that the OpenCL 1.2 support is found only on 3rd and 4th Generation Intel Core Processors as well as some other more specific models that you probably will not have available in your mining rigs anyway. Older Intel Integrated Graphics may support OpenCL on the CPU only, so they are no good for mining crypto coins unfortunately. Below you can find a list of the supported integrated Intel graphics processors that can be used for OpenCL mining:

4th Generation Intel Core Processors with:
– Intel HD Graphics 4200/4400/4600/5000
– Intel Iris Graphics 5100
– Intel Iris Pro graphics 5200

3rd Generation Intel Core Processors with:
– Intel HD Graphics 4000/2500

Intel Atom Processor Z3000 Series with:
– Intel HD Graphics

Intel Celeron Processor J1000/N2000 Series and Intel Pentium Processor J2000/N3000 Series with:
– Intel HD Graphics

Intel Xeon Processor E3 Family V2/V3 with:
– Intel HD Graphics P4000
– Intel HD Graphics P4600/P4700

You can quickly and easily check if your integrated Intel GPU does come with OpenCL support or not with the help of the free tool GPU-Z if you are not sure what kind of processor or integrated graphics you may have in your systems. Be aware that the supported Intel integrated graphics processors will not be as powerful as a dedicated AMD graphics card, but they still do manage to provide a few times higher hashrate than if you are using the CPU for mining and they can add a bit more performance to your overall hashrate. So why not take advantage if you already have the hardware available…
