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The Litecoin Difficulty has increased after dropping significantly down to 2820 the previous time. The new Litecoin difficulty is 3508 and that is an increase with a bit over 24% than the previous one. The result is that LTC mining profitability got lower and at the moment alternative crypto mining such as DOGE coins for example is even more attractive than directly mining for LTC than before. Another interesting crypto coin that recently has generated a lot of attention is VertCoin (VTC) as it is an alternative crypto that does not use the typical Scrypt method, but a modified one and is claimed to be Scrypt ASIC resistant. Protoshares are also another interesting option for GPU mining as they are also gaining more user interest since the recent adoption of GPU mining as they were previously mined only with CPU. And for CPU only mining Primecoin (XPM) is still a good choice, though the profitability is not that attractive as the one of coins that can be mined with GPUs.


Due to the demand for GPU mining rigs for cryptocurrency generation that are capable of powering more than 2 video cards (what is normally enough for gaming needs) some motherboard manufacturers have come up with specialized products especially for GPU mining needs. One such brand is AsRock that already has two specialized motherboards designed for GPU mining rigs and though the company uses Bitcoin mining all over these products, they are essentially for Litecoin and other scrypt-based alternative cryptos. Nowadays there is no more point in mining for Bitcoin with GPUs, you need to use specialized Bitcoin mining ASIC devices (for other SHA-256 cryptos as well), however scrypt mining and Litecoin in particular is still mineable with GPU. And a lot of people are still building new GPU mining righs with multiple video cards for mining Litecoin, so AsRock’s products can be ideal for these needs.

AsRock offers 2 models of specialized GPU mining rig motherboards, one is the cheaper AsRock H61 Pro BTC, designed for Intel Socket 1155 processors and the other one is AsRock H81 Pro BTC, designed for use with Intel Socket 1150 CPUs. Other than the use of different processors these two motherboards are pretty similar in what they offer – support for up to 6 video cards, though you will need to also use PCI-E x1 extenders to attach all of the video cards to the motherboard and you will also need a special rig designed to contain the 6 video cards. These motherboard also have additional 4-pin molex connectors that you need to connect in order for the motherboard to supply enough power to the video cards over the PCI-E slots.

Also if you plan on using all 6 PCI-E slots with GPUs you may need to be careful what OS you are going to be using in order for the operating system to be able to see and use all of the cards at the same time. Linux is a good option for 6 cards at the same time, and there are specialized Linux distributions available for mining rigs. The problem with Linux however is that the control of voltage of the GPUs may not work with all video cards, in fact with most you my have trouble changing the voltage of the GPU, though the clock frequencies are accessible and you can change them for better performance and higher hashrate. So also do have that in mind when building a GPU mining rig.


The last 24 hours we tested mining Protoshares at the 1GH PTS mining pool using their GPU miner along with a single AMD R9 Radeon 280X graphics card to see what we can expect in terms of mined PTS and check the profitability if PTS mining with GPU versus LTC mining with GPU. With the difficulty of the Litecoin going back higher and the increase of the price of the Protoshares lately with the boom of GPU mining it is interesting to see what is more profitable to mine with your graphics cards.

The current Litecoin difficulty of 3300 ensures that with a single graphics card such as the Radeon 280X that we’ve used you are going to be mining about 0.2195 LTC per day. That is the earnings if you are directly mining LTC and not mining alternative cryptos that you then trade for LTC giving you higher profit.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– AMD R9 Radeon 280X graphics card running at 1050/1500 clocks

The 1GH pool we used for PTS mining has:
– 3.5% fee

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.5229 PTS

The value of the Protoshares mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.00799201 BTC
– 0.29450000 LTC
– ~$6.46 USD

So while there is not much point in mining Protoshares (PTS) with CPU anymore, there is a good point in mining for Protoshares instead of directly mining for Litecoin as this will give you slightly higher profitability if you exchange the mined PTS for LTC. Judging from our results you cans ay that at the moment GPU mining Protoshares you can earn about 34% more than mining with the same graphics hardware for Litecoins. So if you are interested in PTS mining, we do recommend you to give it a try at the 1GH PTS pool with a single GPU to see if you are going to be happy with the result you will get.
