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ProtoShares (PTS) now called Bitshares-PTS is an alternative cryptocoin that uses a new Momentum Proof of Work (POW) algorithm that is designed to be GPU and ASIC resistant, so you can only mine them for now by using the processor (CPU). There was even a $5000 USD bounty set by the developers of PTS for anyone who can prove it is vulnerable to GPUs or ASICs, so it is only CPU mining for quite a while for these. However there are already a few implementations taking advantage of Nvidia’s CUDA architecture as well as for OpenCL for AMD GPUs, though we have not yet tested these.

THe idea to use CPUs for mining is a good one if you are already mining with GPUs for scrypt-based coins and want to be able to fully utilize your mining hardware since the load on the CPU is minimal when mining LTC or other scrypt altcoins. When talking about CPU mining the first alternative crypto that comes to mind is the Primecoin and then the Protoshares, we’ve already tested what you can expect from a day of mining XPM and we are soon going to report on our 24 hour PTS mining results. Just don’t expect to have too high profit from PTS mining at the moment, it is just some extra that you can get out of the hardware you probably already own.

Protoshares (PTS) mining pools:

Protoshares (PTS) exchanges:


AmericanCoin (AMC) is based on Litecoin and is the most patriotic crypto-currency ever. It has a block reward of 100 coins and will have a total of 168 million coins. This makes it 2 times that of LiteCoin. It is a lite version of Bitcoin optimized for CPU mining using scrypt as a proof of work.


Block Explorer / Crawler
Not Yet Available.


  • Scrypt Algorithm
  • 2.5 minute block targets
  • Subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years)
  • ~168 million total coins
  • 100 coins per block
  • 504 blocks to retarget difficulty
  • 41.4% maximum change on difficulty retarget

Windows client
Windows deamon

Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 9057




We already talked a bit about the Primecoin (XPM) alternative cryptocurrency and have mentioned that it has good potential for growth, so it might be a good idea to mine some XPM now and keep them with the idea that the exchange rate will increase along with the interest in this crypto currency over time. At the moment Primecoins can only be mined with the CPU of a computer, so you can combine Primecoin mining on the CPU with Litecoin mining on the GPU on the same system and make some extra profit from that if you are already mining LTCs on one or more computers. You can of course mine XPM on pretty much any computer, but the more powerful the processor is the better and the same goes for the number of cores, the more – the better.

We’ve decided to give it a go with two systems using different processor for 24 hour time period in order to see what profit we are going to make. Both of the systems are mining Litecoin on the GPU, but that does not interfere as long as you set the cgminer processor affinity to just a single core if using Windows. We have decided to use one of the biggest Primecoin pools for the test – ypool, though the pool also offers other alternative cryptocurrency mining options.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– Intel Core i5 2500K Quad Core 3.3 GHz
– AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Six Core 3.3 GHz

The pool we used for XPM mining is ypool:
– 3% fee
– 1000 confirmations per block

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.3565483 XPM

The value of the Primecoin mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.04838065 LTC
– 0.00139265 BTC
– ~1.15 USD

A little over $1 USD per day does not seem that much of a profit for the moment, but that is only if you sell the Primecoins now, the wise idea however would be to mine now and save the coins for later, expecting to the exchange rate to go sky high. Anyway, it is up to you to to decide if you want to mine and sell now or mine and save the coins for later.
