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Using the CPU or the central processing unit of your computer to mine crypto currency is pretty much considered outdated nowadays with the only exception being mining new altcoins that are CPU only. If you are interested to find out what hashrate you can expect to get from a powerful multi-core CPU at the moment with come of the more popular crypto algorithms in order to compare to your AMD Radeon 280X GPU or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti for example, you might want to look at the results we got below. They are achieved using the cpuminer-multi fork on an Intel Core i7 5820K processor (6 core with HT or 12 logical cores) running at default operating frequency (non-overclocked).

Algorithm – Hashrate:
Scrypt – 129 KHS
Scrypt:N – 26.2 KHS
Sha256d – 10.7 MHS
Blake – 18024 KHS
Cryptonight – 192.7 HS
Fresh – 487.2 KHS
Lyra2 – 744.8 KHS
Neoscrypt – 22.2 KHS
Qubit – 488 KHS
Quark – 664.8 KHS
X11 – 308.1 KHS
X13 – 211.4 KHS
X14 – 202.6 KHS
X15 – 194.4 KHS

The cpuminer-multi fork that we used for the test does support more algorithms than those that we tested with, we’ve skipped some because it is hard to find operational pools or even alive crypto coins to use some of them. So we did not test all of the algorithms such as S3, NIST5, Pentablake and a few others that are supported by the software miner. Use these numbers as a reference only for comparing to GPU mining hardware as you probably will not want to use your CPU to mine with on these algorithms anyway. The only exception being Lyra2RE, because this algorithm does provide a very decent hashrate on the CPU as compared to what you can get with a GPU miner.


Just like we have recently prepared a Miner Control 1.5.5 Pack for Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti that can be used for other Nvidia-based GPUs as well it is also time to update the NiceHash Control Tool version for Radeon R9 280x to the new Miner Control. Do note that you can use this package with other AMD-based Radeon cards, however to ensure proper calculation of the actual profit and to use the most profitable algorithms for your miner you will have to edit the configuration settings for the supported algorithms.

So here it is, a Miner Control package with the latest sgminer 5.0.1 development version along with the OpenCL libraries from the AMD drivers 14.6 to ensure proper support for NeoScrypt if you are using newer drivers. The package is configured for a single Radeon R9 280X GPU with the settings for each algorithm based on a reference non-overclocked card and is configured to work NiceHash, TradeMyBit, Yaamp and Wafflepool, supporting only the more profitable X11, X13, X15, NIST5 and NeoScrypt algorithms.

To be ready to use the Radeon R9 280X package you just need to update the account settings for each pool to reflect your BTC payment address and only for TradeMyBit you would need to set your account worker id and your API key for the current prices (inside the configuration file). Do note that the default configuration that we have set is mining from time to time for the author of the software (Miner Control) as a donation alternative, but you can change that setting should you wish to.

To download the Miner Control 1.5.5 AMD Radeon R9 280x ready to use pack for Windows…


Yesterday we have published a windows binary compiled from the latest code of the ccMiner 1.5-git SP-MOD fork of the Nvidia miner optimized for Maxwell GPUs by SP (source). However it had some issues present, like problem with the launch configurations for X15 on GTX 970/980 GPUs, but these were quickly addressed and are now fixed,s o we have updated our windows binary release. Since we also used the same fork of ccMiner in our Miner Control 1.5.5 Pack for Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti also released yesterday, we have also included the new fixed windows binary in that package. So if you have downloaded it today you should re-download it again as the latest source code includes some other fixes and improvements as well. In terms of performance improvements, you will probably not see such as compared to yesterday’s windows binary, but if you are using an older release you should notice significant performance increase.

To download the latest ccMiner for Maxwell version 1.5-git by SP for Windows OS…
