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Another update from the T-rex miner with the latest version 0.6.3 bringing support for some more new mining algorithms as well as performance improvements for a number of already supported ones. The new algorithms that got added in the latest version are Balloon, Polytimos and Skunk. The biggest performance improvement of 3-5% in terms of performance goes for Renesis and PHI, while Bitcore, C11, Sonoa, X16r/s and X17 are also getting a few percent extra hashrate. If you are mining an altcoin with any of the newly added algorithms or already using the T-Rex miner for any of the alread supported ones you will probably want to go to the latest version. Do have in mind that T-Rex is a closed source miner and that there is 1% development fee built-in and you need to have a recent video driver installed as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

If you are mining any of the popular Equihash variants for GPU you might want to check the latest lolMiner 0.43 as it is an OpenCL miner for both AMD and Nvidia GPUs that supports Equihash 144.5 (ASF, BTG, BTCZ, LitecoinZ, HeptaCoin, Safecoin, Snowgem, ZEL), Equihash 96.5 (Minexcoin) and Equihash 192.7 (ZERO & SafeCash). The main feature of the latest version is the addition of support for the 192.7 algorithm used by oins such as Zero (ZER) and SafeCash (SCASH), there are of course multiple fixes and improvements applied as well. You can find the full changelog of the lolMiner 0.43 below. The lolMiner 0.43 is a closed source miner available wih binary only releases for Windows and Linux. Do note that there is also a built-in developer fee, Equihash 144.5 and 192.7 should have 2% fee and Equihash 96.5 is with 1% fee.

lolMiner 0.43 Changelog:
– Added 192/7 Algorithm (Zero and SafeCash)
– Added support for zergpool Equihash 144.5 auto profit switching
– Added switch to disable memory check ( This allows 144.5 and 192.7 mining on Nvidia 3G and 4G GPUs )
– Fixed support for open source Linux drivers
– Fixed a bug with miner not starting without config file
– Fixed a bug with miner not starting up (hanging in setup)
– Shortened the target printing to the first 16 characters
– Added some colors (very subdued )

For more information and to download the latest lolMiner 0.43 OpenCL Equihash GPU miner…

Something interesting for everyone that has taken interest in Merit (MRT) and is mining the crypto currency, a new third parity Nvidia GPU miner for the Cuckoo cycle algorithm used by the project is now available. If you still have not checked Merit, but are interested read more about it in our post and you can request an invite since we currently have a few more extra available to give out. Since invites are limited and hard to acquire, please apply only if you really are interested in trying out Merit and do not waste them without a reason.

The just released zjazz CUDA miner is intended to provide alternative to the official miner, giving more flexibility and stability as well as performance in some cases. The new miner comes with multiple options to reduce the CPU load for GPU mining rigs with slower CPUs (Merit mining is still CPU heavy) or to maximize performance on mining machines with more powerful processors increasing the hashrate you get. There are multiple options available to play with that control CPU load and mining performance depending on your mining hardware. More importantly the miner itself seems more stable and does not seem to be crashing on systems that we have experienced crashes from the official Merit miner. Do note however that the zjazz CUDA Miner is a closed source software and comes with a built-in development fee of 2% and there is currently Windows only binary available.

To download and try the new zjazz Merit (MRT) Nvidia CUDA GPU Miner v0.93 for Windows…
